Page 42 of Painted Scars

“Why? What’s wrong with it?” She looks into the mirror and cocks her head. “Is it too plain?”

“I’m not having my business partners ogling my wife’s legs the whole evening.”

“Don’t be a caveman, Roman. It’s not that short.”

“You are not wearing that on Saturday.” Or anywhere else in public, as far as I am concerned.

“Oh, for the love of God. Fine. I’ll go find a potato sack instead.”

I like the potato sack idea. In fact, if I could wrap her up from head to toe, it would make me very happy.

Nina ends up buying a pink midi dress instead, and while I’m not thrilled since that one is low cut and shows quite a bit of leg, it’s much better than the black one. While she’s taking a look at something on the blouse rack, I nod to the shop assistant to pack the black dress as well. After Ivan takes the bags with dresses, I take her to a jewelry store on the ground floor.

“No,” she says when we stop in front of the window showcasing a multitude of necklaces. “I don’t need jewelry.”

She doesn’t need it, that’s for sure. When my little flower enters the room, she shines brighter than any diamond, but Tanush’s and Dushku’s wives will come covered in gold and jewels, and I don’t want Nina to feel like she’s anything less.

“Yes, you do,” I say and take her inside.

She walks around the store, looking over the jewelry showcased in glass cases along the walls, until she comes to stand by the one that contains the most simple necklaces.

“How about this?” She points to a thin gold chain.

I ignore her and wheel myself to the big case on the opposite wall holding the best pieces. When the store attendant sees where I’m looking, he comes running and starts lining up the velvet boxes in front of me.

“I’m not wearing someone’s house around my neck,” Nina whispers in my ear.

“That one.” I point at the set that consists of a necklace and a bracelet in white gold, lined with white diamonds, and look at the store attendant who is beaming at me—his eyes as huge as saucers. “And the matching earrings.”

He nods eagerly and takes out another velvet box to place it next to the set.

“Yes.” I nod. “Let’s try them out first.”

“Please tell me those are fake,” Nina groans next to me, and I can’t help but laugh. “They’re not, are they?”

“No,malysh, they are not fake.”

The attendant unclasps the necklace and comes to stand behind Nina, holding it up with the intention of putting it around her neck.

“Put your hands on my wife,” I tell the idiot, “and you’re losing them.”

The man jumps and takes a step back, almost stumbling over his feet.

“Christ, Roman! What has gotten into you?” Nina stares at me with surprise, then turns toward the sales guy. “He doesn’t mean that.”

“I do. Turn around.” I extend my hand to accept the necklace from the attendant.

After fastening it, I admire how it accentuates her slender neck. The bracelet is several sizes too big; she can probably put both of her wrists through it.

“We need this resized and delivered tomorrow.” I give the bracelet back to the attendant, who nods eagerly, then I turn to Nina. “Do you want to leave the necklace on, or do you prefer they send it with the bracelet and the earrings?”

“I most certainly don’t plan on walking around the mall with this thing on my neck. Can you please take it off?”

While I’m unclasping the necklace, I take the opportunity to run the fingers over the soft skin on her neck and notice her leaning slightly into my touch.

“Let’s go home,” I whisper in her ear. “You can try out those lacy thongs you bought.”

She turns around and looks at me. There is hesitation and concern in her eyes. “What are we doing, Roman? This. You and me. I-I have no idea what to think about all of this.”

“Then don’t think about it. Just... let go. Let the current lead us.” I take her chin between my fingers and kiss her.

“Just let go?”

“Just let go,malysh.”
