I feigned ignorance. “You can’t sit in my lap and give me a raging boner?”
Her smile softened. “You know what I mean.”
I nodded. “I know what you mean.”
She nudged my nose with hers. “So, we may as well make the most of it.”
My eyebrow quirked. “The most?” I asked and she nodded. I wrapped my arms around her and felt the smile in my eyes. “You know ‘the most of it’ doesn’t have to include sex?”
The light in her eyes turned mischievous. “Are you saying you just like hanging out with me?”
“I wouldn’t lower myself to such nancy wanker words, Barlow.”
“Of course not, Lombardi.”
“I might be mistaken for a gentleman.”
“Surely not,” she gasped sarcastically.
I smirked. “But you still don’thaveto have sex with me.”
“Oh, I’m aware,” she said as her hand ran up my body. “But I want to.”
“Well,” I laughed. “That’s very different.”
“Is it?” she asked before kissing me hard.
There was a piece of me that wondered where Piper Barlow had actually gone. The girl I knew from school was nothing like this fucking goddess in my lap. She didn’t know just where to touch me to put me utterly at her mercy. She didn’t just run her hand over my cock and tell me she wanted to have sex with me.
But in reality, this girl was the exact same girl. It was more like she’d just once and for all shed that box, and the woman in front of me was just one hundred percent herself.
I was arrogant enough to think I had something to do with it. I didn’t know what I loved more; that I’d helped her or just that it had happened. She’d been tempting as fuck before? Now she was irresistible. She was irresistible and she was mine.
No amount of needing to let her go was going to change that.
“Wallet?” she asked against my lips.
I reached down to my pocket, but she stopped my hand and shook her head.
“Oh?” I asked. “Are we not doing thisright?” I teased.
She grinned and it punched a fucking hole in my chest. “We are, but I’m doing it. You just lie back and enjoy it.”
I wasn’t going to argue with her. I’d give that woman whatever she wanted. Especially when whatever she wanted was to ride me like she’d fucking tamed me. She told me off more than once for trying to take charge, but always with a smirk on her face.
By the time she rolled off me, it was quite possibly the only time I’d ever needed an actual minute to get my breath back. Before I got up to deal with the condom, I hugged her close and she sighed happily as she traced lazy circles on my chest.
“I should let you take charge more often,” I told her as I kissed her head.
I felt her smile against my shoulder. “Maybe you should.”
When I got back from the bathroom – in nothing but my boxers – she was wearing my t-shirt and fuck it if it didn’t do something to me. It was far too baggy around her waist, the sleeves reached past her elbows, and the bottom brushed her knees, but seeing her inmytee was like I’d laid my claim on her and nothing was going to change that.
I was hyper aware that the night had an element of finality to it. It was probably why I was feeling like such a sentimental, mushy arsehole. We were at another turning point here. And I still didn’t know where we went from here. I had no control over where we went from here. It was back to school in a few days and, after her parents had been away, I assumed they’d want to spend some quality time with her when they got back the next night.
What I could control was how we left things after tonight, though, and I couldn’t bring myself to let this be our final goodbye. Not yet. I hadn’t forgotten Mason again. And if he was half the kind of man who deserved Piper, then he’d be asking her out before first lesson on Tuesday morning.
But I could still drive her to school before that.
We spent the rest of the night totally engrossed in each other. It wasn’t all sex, there was far more talking than there had been since our nights at the lake. But maybe we both needed it, a reminder that, whatever we were, it wasn’t just sex first.
The next morning, I hung around to help her do a bit of cleaning up, but was back in my own house by the time her parents were pulling into the driveway. Piper saw me in my window as she greeted them and smiled.
I didn’t know where we went from here, but I’d have to be up pretty early if I wanted to be ready to give her a lift to school on Tuesday morning.