Because she was. I liked her body. I was attracted to it. I wasveryattracted to it. To her. But it was more than her outer beauty that drew me to her. There was more to her than her outsides that made her beautiful. I just didn’t have the words to tell her.

“They’re lopsided,” she said, almost like she was berating me for lying to her.

“They’re real and they’re beautiful,” I assured her.

Warmth spread up her cheeks, but she was smiling in a way that told me she wasn’t embarrassed. She liked me looking at her body, she liked that I liked it. I dared to think she felt safe with me.

I took her hand and put it on the bottom of my tee. She didn’t need any more hints than that. Her other hand joined the first, both gripping the material tightly as she pulled it up my body. I helped her get it over my head and stole a quick kiss while she had my arms tied above my head with my tee. I felt her smile and her eyes dipped down.

While she looked my body over, I threw my tee with her nightie, my eyes never leaving her face. Her fingers brushed my abs so softly it tickled, and I chuckled. I want to say it was rough, but it came out slightly more breathy and I was kinda embarrassed by the reaction. Only kinda. I didn’t think any reaction I had to her was really anything I could ever regret.

I touched my hand to hers on my abs, more an involuntary motion in the hopes I could stop the tickle. By no means did I want to stop her touching me. I wanted her to touch every inch of me. I just hoped she felt the same.

The way she was looking at me with a hunger on her face to match the one in me, I felt my hope justified.

Gently, I guided her back down to lie on the bed and settled myself between her legs. I’d ditched my jeans at some point in the night, so the only thing between us was her undies and my boxers. I felt like I was fucking coming home. When her leg hugged my hip, I almost nutted myself right there.

As I looked into her eyes, I saw a tinge of uncertainty, but her arms were soft around my neck and her body felt relaxed under me. Whatever was worrying her, I didn’t think she wanted me to stop. I had to admit, my heart was fluttering like fucking mad in my chest. It was a kind of nervous anticipation that I couldn’t remember feeling in this moment before. I’d never been so excited but fucking apprehensive about having sex with someone. I was very aware that I wanted it to go well for her. Really fucking well.

I felt like we both needed a distraction from the tension, and a re-grounding in the moment. So, I kissed her hard. If I’d thought she was relaxed before, she fair melted under me, and I was pretty sure I joined her.

My lips trailed down her cheek and her neck. I nipped her playfully and she released a breathy laugh as her body curled into mine. But I was a man on a mission, and I still had terrain to travel. I kissed down her neck, over her breasts – stopping only long enough to suck a nipple gently – and over her stomach, making her wiggle with the tickle. I didn’t stop to make full use of her ticklishness; my destination was in sight.

I dragged her undies down her legs and was gratified when her legs fell lazily to either side of me again. The look in her eyes was questioning, but I saw she was looking forward to whatever was coming. So was I.

My finger ran over her and, for a moment, I nearly gave into the voice that reminded me I wasn’t worth her. Piper’s weren’t the first pair of legs I’d had my head between, but fuck if I didn’t find something far more intimate about it than ever before.

So, I silenced the voice.

I wanted this.

She wanted this.

Why shouldn’t we have it?

I tasted her then and I fucking stayed there until she had one hand fisted in my hair, one in her bed sheet, and my name on her lips. Her whole body twitched as she sighed, and I couldn’t keep the smile off my face. I kissed her once more while I tried to get some control over myself.

“That was… Wow. That was wow,” she breathed, and my smile was back.

“I’m glad,” I said, looking down at her.

Her cheeks were flushed, and she was looking up at me with such an open expression that I didn’t even chastise my heart when it twinged in my chest. But then she was distracting me with her fingers curling around the top of my boxers and the mood shifted quite nicely.

I grinned and she smirked back at me with just as much mischief and sex appeal.

She was definitely Little Miss Perfect, just in so many more ways than I expected.

When my boxers were off, I grabbed a condom from my wallet, opened the packet and held it out to her.

“Care to do the honours?” I asked with a wink.

She laughed. “Oh, so we remembered this time?”

I shook my head at her teasing. “Like I said, we’re doing it right this time.”

As she took the condom, she asked, “All right, how do I do this?”

“You want to use your mouth or your hand?” I joked.