“My childhood?” I clarified.

She nodded. “Piper offered up some stories of her own,” she said like that made it any better.

There was a lot that needed to be dealt with in that sentence. But Piper was also leaving, and I had the overwhelming urge to follow her. I didn’t know if I wanted to check she was okay, try and work out what we were now, or just needed to do some damage control.

I growled at Mum and threw myself out the house after Piper.

“Piper!” I called, mentally cursing the chill of the ground on my feet.

She turned to me, smiling as she looked me over.

“Whatever she told you–” I started.

“I take to my grave, Roman. I wouldn’t dare ruin ballet-Roman by sharing him with anyone.” Her eyes fucking shone with humour, and my heart did that weird thing in my chest.

I couldn’t help glaring at her. “Not funny.”

“Hilarious,” she corrected me, barely holding in a laugh.

I felt the corner of my lip tug but kept it straight. “How are you?”

“Still fine.”

I looked her up and down, like I needed to check for myself. Which was ridiculous because Piper knew her own mind and I wasn’t going to uncover any inner truths with my eyes. “Good. Good.”

I sucked my teeth as I got up the courage to say the next thing. It needed to be said. It needed to be done. I didn’t like it anymore than I’m sure she would, but damn it if I wasn’t going to take some responsibility for my actions.

“Seriously, Roman,” she said, and my heart warmed at my name on her lips. “I’m fine. No regrets, no concerns, I’m fine.”

“If you wanted me to…” I started, mentally kicking myself for my awkwardness.

“To what?” she pressed when I didn’t continue.

I sighed, knowing I had to suck it up and just say it. “If it would make you feel better, I’d be more than happy to go get you the morning after pill?”

Her cheeks went the faintest shade of darker pink and she blinked. “Uh… I think…” She coughed. “Thanks. But I think it’ll be fine. I haven’t missed any. So…”

“Are you sure? It was my bad. I’m not above taking responsibility for my actions.”

Her eyes searched my face, and I didn’t know what she was thinking. I wanted to know what she was thinking, but now wasn’t really the right time for that conversation. I was going to assume she was being honest with me, and second guessing her wasn’t my place.

She nodded. “I’m sure. Thank you, though. I appreciate it.”

Okay. Job done. Responsibility offered and not needed. Fine.

The next pressing matter wasn’t so much me in a tutu, as where we went from here. I wanted to pull her to me. I wanted to kiss her. I wanted to hold her hand. I wanted to give her all the things I’d never wanted to give another person before.

But I knew I couldn’t.

I’d fucked up our first kiss.

I’d fucked up our first time.

The more time I spent around her, the more times I’d fuck up.

I knew that.

But I couldn’t stay away even if I’d been strong enough to try.