“We both got carried away…”

“Yeah, we did. But you’re not fertile every day of the year, are you? I don’t expect you to be on the pill and I have no respect for guys who do. If we don’t want a kid out of it, it’s really not that difficult to be prepared. And a condom is seriously cheaper than alimony.”

She looked at me and I just wanted her to agree with me. On some level, I needed the reminder I was a piece of shit. Otherwise, I was in serious danger of forgetting everything I knew about myself.

“So…your fault?” she asked slowly.

I grinned at her. “Totally my fault.”

“Not at all my fault?”

“Well, maybe like…twenty percent your fault,” I admitted with a smirk. “You could have reminded me. But I shouldn’t have forgotten.”

She nodded, more slowly this time. “I don’t regret it.”



“Thank God,” was all I could say as I hugged her again and kissed her hair.

There were a lot of things I could stand – namely, how shit a person I was and would always be – but her regretting one of the best moments of my life because of my stupidity might have done me in. I was surprised how strong the relief was as it swept through me to know that, out of all the mistakes I made, she didn’t think us was one of them.

Not that I could think about her in terms of ‘us’.

Not matter how imperfectly perfect it had been.

In all the fantasies I’d had of having Piper Barlow, an angry fuck against my ute hadn’t featured once. It wasn’t the way I’d have chosen to be with her. I would have preferred if we were both dry and warm and I’d remembered the fucking condom in my pocket.

It wasn’t ideal, but fuck it was better than my wildest dreams.

I looked at her and brushed the hair from her eyes. “You okay?”

She nodded. “I’m fine. I promise I’m fine.”

As I searched her eyes, she did look fine. She looked seriously kissed, and I probably could have shaved and saved her a little of the stubble rash, but she looked perfect.

I tipped her chin to me and kissed her gently. I didn’t know what I was saying with it, but as usual Piper seemed to know me better than myself.

“No apologies, Roman,” she whispered against my lips.

I huffed a laughed and nudged her nose with mine. “I’ll take you back home.”

It was about the last thing I wanted to do, but I didn’t know what else to do that didn’t feel like a bad idea. I could have gone round two already, but I neither expected she’d be up for it nor thought it was appropriate to suggest. And the last thing I wanted to do was talk about it more.

I helped her into the ute and drove us back to our houses. I was out my door and at hers in seconds.

“Night, Roman,” she said softly as she looked up at me.

She looked happy. It was there in the depths of her eyes. Mistakes aside, I couldn’t stop feeling happy myself. There was this bubble of warmth threatening to overwhelm me and fill me with nervous jitters like I’d had too much coffee.

I pressed a lingering kiss to her lips that she met keenly. “Night, Piper.”

She squeezed my hand, and I watched her walk to her back door. With each step she took, the full impact of my stupidity started to fill the place she’d occupied.

“Fucking idiot,” I muttered to myself as I kicked my tyre. “Ow…”

She turned back to me, and I put a hand on my ute to help take the weight off my foot, hoping she hadn’t noticed yet another stupid action.

Honestly, she turned me into a fucking mindless cretin. All rational thought departed at the sight of her, the thought of her…and now I knew intimately the feel of her. I had no hope.