“No, I don’t want the Roman Lombardi experience! I wanted you, Roman. Whoever that is, I wanted you. I didn’t want your reputation. I just wanted you to touch me like you wanted to, not like you were going to break me.”

I hadn’t thought any of that. I hadn’t thought I was going to break her. I’d just been so surprised it was finally happening, and I was well aware that what I really wanted to do to her wasn’t exactly first kiss material. I didn’t know if that was something she’d have wanted. So, I just hesitated.

“I was trying to be a gentleman, Barlow! I know your reputation as well as you know mine, and I didn’t want to push you.”

“A gentleman? A gentleman! Jokes aside, no one who’s ever met you would expect you to be a gentleman, Lombardi. I knew exactly what could happen if we kept hanging out. I’d like to think I’m a big enough girl to say no if you went too far.”

“I didn’t want you to have to say no!” I said emphatically. The last thing I wanted was for her to be in a position where she needed to tell me no. “I’m sorry I was trying to make you feel comfortable with me. I was trying to exert some self-control!”

“Yes, because your goal in life is to make girls feel comfortable with you and you’re well-known for your self-control. It’s not fragile little Piper Barlow at all. I trusted that you – out of everyone in my life – wouldn’t feel the need to protect me. That you’d be honest and real. What the hell is so wrong with losing control around me? What could possibly happen?”

What could happen? What could happen!

Nothing about Piper made me think she was fragile. I thought she needed – deserved – protecting, but not the way she was talking about. She wanted honest and real and no holds barred? She wanted me to show her what could happen? She wanted to know what me losing control looked like? Well, so did I, because it had never happened before. Not the way she wanted me to now.

I stood in front of her, knowing every single aspect of what she made me feel was plain on my face. The want. The need. The desire. The addiction. That I couldn’t stay away from her if I tried. There was a darkness in me, the one that was called by her light, and I didn’t hide it. She could have all of me. Take it or leave it, at that moment, it was all hers.

Her eyes widened slightly as our clothes brushed, but I didn’t touch her. Not yet.

The sizzle and crackle that had danced around us all week was there with reinforcements. I felt like the hairs on my arms were standing on end. This was make or break. The moment was too charged to back out now.

“You really want to know what could possibly happen if I lost control around you, Barlow?” I asked and I hoped I was the only one who heard the slight tremor in my voice.

I was ready for it. My control was hanging by a fine thread, and it was just begging to be snapped.

Her tongue darted out and licked her bottom lip before her teeth caught it. She didn’t move. Like she knew, if she did, the tenuous thread holding me would snap.

“Be sure about this,” I pled. “Because you drive me crazy, Piper. This week’s been a serious test of my control.”

She nodded, and my body moved all by itself. I picked her up, wrapping her legs around my waist and pressing her into the side of my ute. Her arms went around my shoulders as her sharp inhalation of breath made my cock twitch in anticipation.

As my lips claimed hers, the rain started. It poured down around us, but we were safe enough in our own little bubble, lost to everything but each other.

I didn’t hold back. I didn’t tense. I didn’t freeze. I didn’t listen to the voice in my head that told me to get my hands off her. She wanted this. I wanted this. I kissed her hard and deep and it was like everything else stood still around us.

The chill of the rain was a feeling that was so far out of the moment, I barely registered it. Her body was hot against mine and it was all I needed. My hand ran up her side and her back arched, pressing her body into mine. He hands were in my hair like she was worried I’d stop kissing her if she didn’t hold me in place.

If she only knew I could kiss her for the rest of my life.

She nipped my lip as our bodies rocked and rubbed together. I was in serious risk of losingallmy control. But I held on for her. I never wanted this moment to end. She was mine. It was my hands up her jumper, my lips on hers, her leg hugging my hip tighter, my name on her lips in a breathy moan that threatened to undo me.

My hand slid down her body, between us, and over her slit.

Her eyes flew open, and I pulled back only enough to look at her.

A well-timed flash of lightning illuminated the scene.

We both breathed heavily, our chests rising and falling against each other almost in sync. My heart pounded and I saw the anger and frustration of our words in her eyes. I was angry about them. About so insignificant a misunderstanding. About how she could not realise what she did to me. About how I’d fucked up our first kiss.

I should have recognised it for the omen it probably was; I’d fucked up the first kiss, so what else was I going to fuck up?

That angered me more. I didn’t want to listen to that voice.

When she nodded, relief flooded me, and I drowned the voice out. My eyes darted between hers, making sure she knew what I was asking. She nodded again. Before I could do anything, she took my face in her hands and crushed my lips back to hers. Her kiss was passion and heat and nothing I ever could have expected.

I hastily undid my jeans, the need to be inside her threatening to ruin me. I’d never felt such overwhelming need before her. My fingers found their way under her skirt and pushed the material of her undies aside and I was sliding into her. She was wet, she was warm, she was tight.

Something about her made my heart feel like it was restarting.