Page 184 of Perfectly Accidental

“You kinda love it.”

“I kinda love you.”

“I kinda love you, too.”

I gave her a squeeze before I let her go. For now. “Shall we blow this popsicle stand?”

She nodded and got me to help her climb into the cab. “If I get suspended for this…”

I snorted. “Don’t worry, Barlow, they’re not going to suspendyou.”

As I went back to the driver’s side, I lifted the boom box into the tray and felt a text go off on my phone. As I pulled it out of my pocket, it vibrated again.



ps hope it went well

I smiled to myself, thinking that was very apt timing.

I promised myself I’d reply to him later and got in beside Piper. We made it off school property, and I saw Dunbridge and the groundsman running after the ute like they were going to keep up with it.

I so had detention next week. Although, in light of my recent…understanding with Dunbridge, maybe he’d give me a pass. An A for effort and all that.

Piper and I headed straight for the lake. The weather was getting warmer, so it made for a very different experience than that first week together. And this time, it wasn’t a hate fuck in the rain, but slow and lazy and filled with laughter.

“I’ll assume most of this little stunt was to get out of detention this afternoon?” she teased, as we lay on the lakeshore later.

“Grand romantic gesture, thank you.”

She laughed. “Fine, grand romantic gesture. You could have just skipped detention. Wouldn’t be the first time.”

I shook my head. “I don’t have detention this afternoon.” Because he hadn’t caught me. Yet.

“Then I’ve got you all to myself.”

I nodded. “Yeah…” I started slowly.

“Dating for all of a couple of hours and you’re already brushing me off.” Her eyes told me she was still just teasing, but I hated that she might really think that.

I shook my head and wrapped my arms tighter around her. “No. Fuck no. Never. I’m all yours for as long as you can stand me–”

“Forever’s averylong time,” she said like she was reminding me.

“Forever’s not nearly long enough,” I told her. “But I do have to be somewhere this afternoon.”

She frowned, but it was just curiosity. “Do you want to tell me where?”

I nudged her nose with mine. There weren’t going to be anymore barriers between us. I was going to give this – her, us – my all and if it still didn’t work, at least I’d know it wasn’t for lack of trying. I wasn’t going to fuck this up, if it killed me.

“I have to…see a shrink,” I admitted.

She rolled over to look at me. The warm support and encouragement in her eyes made my stomach bottom out.

“You’re going to therapy, too?”

She’d told me about hers like it was the best fucking thing in the world. It made me hopeful she was right.