Page 172 of Perfectly Accidental

Chapter Twenty-Nine

Broken Souls and Shattered Hearts.


Can you meet me at the lake?

Well, I mean, I was capable. Did I want to? Not really.

But I did anyway.

And there she was. Pacing back and forth in the moonlight. I could feel the anxiety coming off her in waves. It set my heart racing and my shaking hands reaching for another smoke. I didn’t know why I’d come but, now I was here, I’d see what she had to say.

“You’re going to wear a fucking trench if you keep that up,” I said as I got closer to her.

She spun quickly to face me. Her lips opened and closed a few times like she didn’t know what she wanted to say. Every second we stood there was another second I wanted – no, needed – to go to her. I needed to feel her in my arms. I needed to feel her heart beating against mine as she snuggled into my chest where she belonged. But I couldn’t have her. Even had she been available. I didn’t deserve her.

So, what was I doing here?

“What, Piper?” I asked her, feigning disinterest.

“You came,” was all she said, like she didn’t believe I’d actually turn up.

“Yeah. Why?”

“I… I don’t know. I mean, I know I don’t deserve–”

“Why did you message?” I sighed. Neither of us knew why I was there, but presumably she knew why she’d messaged me to come.

“Oh… Uh…” she stammered. “Look, I just wanted to say something–”

I wasn’t sure how many more somethings I could deal with hearing. Between Mum and Rio, I was about done with somethings.

“I don’t need your apologies, Piper. Okay? Save it for your boyfriend when he finds out you wanted to meet me at the lake in the middle of the night.” I stomped out my smoke butt and immediately lit another.

“My…? What?” she asked, obviously confused.

“You’ve forgotten his name?” I scoffed, keeping my eyes off her.

“Uh, no…” she started. “I mean, Mason and I… We haven’t been dating for a while.”

I couldn’t help it. As determined as I was not to look at her and make my heart ache any more than it already did, my eyes flew straight to her. They weren’t dating? Well then, what the fuck had been with the displays the last few weeks. Every time I’d seen them, they’d looked fucking cosy.

Not just that, but how dare she be single and ask me to meet her in the dead of night.

Had she forgotten how flimsy my control was around her?

Had I?

Just what the fuck was she playing at?

“What?” I snarled.

She shrugged. “We’re not dating. Haven’t been for…a couple of weeks.”

I wanted to put my fist through Mason’s face. That, or the nearest tree. Emotions flooded me. I couldn’t do this. There were some choice words on my tongue that I would never let myself say to her. Not even to try to get her over me. Therewasa line I’d never cross with her.

“I’m surprised it took you so long to text. Look, I’m flattered. But I think I’ve wasted enough time on you.”