Page 170 of Perfectly Accidental

“Fighting and public drunkenness is hardly a growing pain,” the prosecutor said.

Mr Dunbridge sighed. “Your honour, Roman is simply in need of a little help. And I’m happy to give that help. I believe there is good in him. I know he has a lot to offer the world. The world just needs to show him it cares.”

I tried not glaring. I honest to fucking goodness tried. I knew he was being sincere, but a lifetime of inbuilt distrust was hard to shake. Rocco’s almost silent scoff beside me didn’t help. But he was hardly going to disagree with Mr Dunbridge’s testimony when he was supposed to be defending me.

“Mr Lombardi,” the judge said, tiredly.

My father stood up, knowing the judge was referring to him this time, and I slunk down further in my seat.

“Your honour,” Rocco said.

“Based on Mr Dunbridge’s testimony here and your own arguments, I will waive any goal time. The charge will still go down on Mr Lombardi’s record. A fine will be payable. Community service will be undertaken for a period of six months. And I’m ordering mandatory counselling for Mr Lombardi. If after a period of six months, Mr Lombardi shows himself to be making progress with his issues, then we will re-evaluate. Next court date will be set for six months.” He banged his gavel and I guessed that was that.

Rocco started clearing up his papers. Honestly, I was pretty sure they were all for show. I didn’t think he’d actually referred to a single one.

I headed over to Mum, and Dunbridge came to say goodbye.

“I’ll see you on Monday, Roman,” Mr Dunbridge said, sparing a smile for Mum.

I nodded. “Thanks…sir.”

There was a light in his eyes I’d never seen before. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that I hadn’t made any sarcastic bullshit out of him just trying to help. I’d actually shown some respect.

I didn’t hate the feeling.

I hated that I didn’t hate the feeling, but I didn’t hate the feeling.

“Uh, sir,” I said before he left.


“Could we…? Can I see you on Monday to talk about how to get me into uni?”

Dunbridge and Mum shared a look, then he looked back to me. “That might be hard this late in the year, son.”

I nodded, having expected as much. “I know. Maybe I’ll repeat and you can have my company for another year?”

He smiled. “Come and see me at lunch and we’ll talk.”

“Will do. And, thanks again, sir.”

He nodded and walked out.

Mum linked her arm with mine. “To uni?”

I shrugged. “I just want to know my options.”

She patted me but said nothing as Rocco came over.

“I wondered if we might get a coffee?” he asked me awkwardly. “I have an hour or so before I need to leave.”

I looked to Mum, but I knew she’d say it was my choice. I just wanted to go home and eat too much ice cream with Maddy in celebration. It wasn’t lost on me that I’d got lucky this time. And maybe I wouldn’t next time.

But after he’d actually shown up in person, I felt I owed it to him to at least give him a chance. So, I nodded to him. “Fine.”

We went to a café near the courthouse and he ordered for us without even bothering to ask me what I wanted. Off to a stellar start.

He sat awkwardly in the small, hard seats, looking at me like he was looking for something.