Page 168 of Perfectly Accidental

I nodded my thanks to the nurse and followed him out. He closed the door behind us and indicated I sit down. He took a seat behind his desk, steepled his fingers and looked at me.

“Do you think I enjoy this, Roman?” he asked.

“It certainly keeps your Friday afternoon free, sir.”

He took a breath. “A suspension only hurts you, Roman.”

I shrugged. “Perfect timing actually. I’ve got to get ready for court.”

I was posturing. I knew it. The cocky nonchalant act didn’t seem to fool him this time.


“My shenanigans finally caught up with me. If you’ll pardon the pun.”

“What’s the likely sentence?”

I shrugged. “No idea. That’s the lawyer’s job, isn’t it?”

“Roman,” he reproached me. “Aren’t you worried?”

I looked him over and realised that he legitimately cared. He didn’t have to. I wasn’t his circus, and I wasn’t his monkeys. He was paid to care to a point, but this went far beyond that point. And I blamed Piper for making me see it in him now.

I also blamed Piper for making me not lash out at him for it.

I looked at my lap. “A lot of my defence hinges on character witnesses. You can imagine that might be…stressful.”

“I can. Who have you got?”

“Mum, really. The lawyer’s supposed to be asking Officer Daniels, but what’s she going to say? ‘Yes, I’ve arrested Roman nineteen times. I totally suggest he be given leniency’.” I scoffed. “I’m facing a fine. Odds are good I’ll skip the gaol time.”

“Roman…” His voice was depressingly sympathetic.

“Can I go, sir?” I asked.

“There’s no shame in asking for help, Roman.”

I looked at him and my face scrunched up as I thought some choice words. But I was too tired to fight anymore.

Piper and I were broken.

To say nothing of how broken I was all by myself.

I was emotionally and physically drained.

I felt like I had nothing more to give anyone.

I was facing serious consequences for my actions, and I could admit it scared me. At any other time, I’d have gone to Piper and eventually I would have told her everything and I’d find a way to work through it. But I didn’t have Piper anymore.

Mum was busy with Maddy and the whole court and lawyer thing meant she was stuck liaising with Rocco numerous times a day because she didn’t want me to have to talk to him more than necessary.

This was the kind of thing that was considered acceptable nancy wanker discussion, but I didn’t know how Rio would be able to help me. When it came down to it, we were just as lost as each other.

If I’d had a father – or father-figure – maybe I’d have gone to them. But Rocco was the one who’d fucked me up in the first place. There was no way I’d dare risk showing him an ounce of weakness. He’d rip me to shreds.

But there was Dunbridge. Sitting in front of me and offering me a way out of my isolation. I might have been a piece of shit, but I didn’t want to do it all on my own anymore. While I’d had Piper, I’d been legitimately happy for the first time in a long time. I hadn’t got in so much trouble. My grades had got marginally better.

I might never be the right guy for a girl like Piper, but maybe I didn’t have to write myself off quite so badly.

So I looked at my vice principal and I told him honestly, “I don’t know how.”

He’d been expecting a rebuff. I saw it in the way his eyes widened so very slightly. But he hid it well enough. “Can I help you work it out?”

I sighed.

Fuck but I needed a drink strong enough to blind me.

Although, how well had that been working for me?

I stretched my neck, wincing as my bruises and cuts protested. But I nodded. “Yes, please.”