Page 165 of Perfectly Accidental

That was it. That was all I needed.

My fist crashed into his temple and a satisfying pain burst in my knuckles.

His friends all cried out in excited anticipation of the fight that was about to go down.

The whole fucking school knew I got into a shit tonne of fights, and I hadn’t lost in a long time. Grant was the captain of the wrestling team. By all accounts, this was going to be fucking epic.

Grant got me in a headlock and sneered, “Were you just not man enough to keep her? Or did she just know she was way out of your league?”

I rammed my elbow into his gut and threw him off me. “Bold words from a guy she doesn’t even know exists.”

He frowned and it was fucking ugly. I didn’t know why he thought he was such a ladies’ man. “Your dick was probably still wet when she spread her legs for Carter. She’ll be ready for the next one soon.”

Oh, I was fucking done with this dickhead. That was no way to talk about any woman, let alone mine.

I rushed him in a full rugby tackle the likes of which I hadn’t attempted since my brief foray into the local rugby team about five years earlier. The results were somewhat more impressive than I’d been able to manage all those years ago.

Grant’s feet left the ground and we crashed to the grass.

Blows landed.




The ground was a wrestler’s domain, at least in comparison to me, so I needed to get to my feet. I managed to wriggle out of his grasp and he laughed.

“Running scared, Lombardi?”

“Fucking you up,” I answered as I grabbed a fistful of his hair and smashed my knee into his face.

Then I grabbed the back of his clothes and hauled him to his feet.

Grant’s fists flailed wildly, and I was doing a decent job of avoiding them until I heard Piper screaming my name over and over again. When she snapped at me in a tone that brooked no argument and no more ignoring her, I turned to her and Grant’s fist crashed into the side of my head.

I glared at Piper and laid into Grant. If I didn’t win this now, then I was never showing my face again. Roman Lombardi getting into a fight for no reason wouldn’t have batted any eyelids. Roman Lombardi getting into a fight over Little Miss Popular’s honour? Fucking hell. I may as well had proposed to her in the middle of whole school assembly.

But Piper was apparently not a fan of me fighting Grant. “Seriously, dude. You cannot afford–”

“Afford what, Piper?” came the dulcet tones of my good friend Mr Dunbridge.

“Exactly what he deserves?” she answered him as I grappled with Grant.

I heard Dunbridge say calmly, “Gentlemen. Can we get some control over ourselves, please?”

I pushed Grant away and we both turned to the vice principal. I felt the warm flow of blood trickling down my face, but that was actually the least of my problems. If I hadn’t fractured something, then I’d paint my ute pink.

“Is there a reason for this?” Dunbridge asked.

I glared at anyone unlucky enough to get caught in my eye line in stony silence, and Grant was smart enough to shake his head.

Dunbridge sighed. “All right, then. Piper, why don’t you go back to your friends. There’s no need for you to be caught up in this unnecessarily.”

Grant scoffed. “Back to Carter, more like.”

I spun, grabbed him by the front of his clothes and shoved my fist in his face. “You don’t fucking talk about her!”