Page 161 of Perfectly Accidental

He fought me all the way. He was about my height – I wasn’t going to pick a fight with a guy smaller than me, I might have won – but I was fuelled by the worst kind of pain and anger, and I wanted to make him just as angry.

I threw my fist at him, but he dodged it. I failed to dodge his.


By the time the cops arrived, I’d lost count of how many punches had been thrown and I was just sorry it hadn’t been my bone that made that sickening crunching sound.

The officer that handcuffed me was one I didn’t recognise. Neither was his partner. I did recognise the two from the other car, but they were busy with the other guy, and I wasn’t in the habit of giving the old ‘cooee’ to cops.

When we got to the station, I was confused.

“Where’s Officer Daniels?” I asked, looking around.

“Sick,” the guy who’d cuffed me answered, as he dropped me into the seat. I saw his desk said Martinez.


“My father’s number is on her desk,” I told him.

He gave me a quizzical look. “Did you want him to pick you up?”

What? “No. He lives in Sydney. Not that he’d come anyway.”

“Then what do I need his number for?”

Double fuck.

Another passing officer nodded to me. “Roman. Long time, no see.”

I nodded back.

“You know this kid?” Martinez asked them.

They nodded. “He’s in and out. Been a while.”

“I’ve been busy,” I told them.

They gave me a knowing grin. “Sure.” Then turned back to Martinez. “His dad’ll handle it, then send him on his way.”

Martinez looked dubious about the whole situation.

The other officer shrugged. “Yeah, I know. But it saves paperwork.”

Martinez found Rocco’s number and dialled it.

“Yes, Mr Lombardi, this is Officer Martinez from Waketon Police…” A frown. “No. Officer Daniels is unavailable tonight.” A sideways glance at me, and a very long pause. “Yes, sir. I understand. I’ll process him. Did you want to speak with him? Of course, sir. Good night.”

Martinez hung up the phone and looked at me. “Let me talk you through the arrest process.”

What in the actual fuck? Rocco had followed through on his threat apparently. He wasn’t coming to my ‘rescue’ this time. Well, fine. I didn’t need him. I didn’t need anyone.

“You’ll need someone to pick you up,” Martinez said, like he could read my mind. “Make your call.”

“I can go?”

He nodded. “You can go once the paperwork’s done. We can do that while you wait for your ride.”

I dialled one number. I couldn’t face Mum right now. Besides, she was probably getting an earful of ‘I told you sos’ from Rocco and the last thing she needed was to pick me up as well.