Page 150 of Perfectly Accidental

Mason looked over and saw me and I saw his smile falter. Just ever so slightly.

While my eyes were locked with Carter’s, Trix bustled her way through the others and threw herself on me. My arm went around her automatically as my eyes slid to Piper.

She turned and looked at me, and had the fucking audacity to smile and wave like everything was just fucking peachy.

Rio leant to my ear. “You won’t keep her? Then don’t fucking moon over her.”

“We should head back to Jimbo’s,” I said to Steve, my expression a mask. The mask I’d perfected over years.

“Oh, yeah!” Steve crowed.

I watched Piper turn away to look back at her date and told myself it didn’t eat me up inside. I refused to let it bother me. I refused to let the look in her eyes bother me. I told myself she wasn’t hurt. I told myself she knew who I was. I made myself believe that I was the kind of guy who didn’t care she was on a date with another guy.

We got to back Jimbo’s and got back into the beers. Trix wouldn’t leave me alone. She knew my one and done policy, she knew I only double dipped on very special occasions, but she still thought she was special enough.

“You want to go somewhere quieter, Roman?” she purred in my ear as her hand ran down my chest and over my crotch.

My arm went around her impulsively. After all, why not? I didn’t owe Piper anything. I could fuck whoever I wanted. And Trix had been a good time.

I pushed Trix against the wall and my hand went to her throat. She grinned at me, her teeth catching her lip in excitement. I took a step closer and boxed Trix in. Her eyes widened and she licked her lip. She’d be so easy. I could probably just have her right there and then and she’d take it gladly. I leant towards her lips and she reached hungrily up to mine…

And I stopped.

My hand on her neck prevented her from closing the gap. When I didn’t, her face lost its excitement and confusion took its place.


She was right there. She’d been begging for it all night. I could have her. I should have her. There was no reason not to.

But Piper wouldn’t get out of my fucking head.

I couldn’t have her, but I didn’t want anyone else.

I growled in frustration, pushed Trix away from me and strode out of the room.

“Oi, oi?” I heard Rio call.

I couldn’t deal with him right now. I couldn’t deal with his ‘I told you so’s.

For once in my life, I didn’t go out and get drunk and fuck away my problems. I went home like a fucking loser. Home was apparently the only place that felt like my problems weren’t going to follow me.

Ironic considering my problems were sitting just there, in her bedroom window, with absolutely no knowledge I was staring at her like she was the air I needed to breathe.