Page 118 of Perfectly Accidental

Chapter Seventeen

Rejected and Ridiculous.

Things had gone back to usual. Well, the new usual. The new normal even.

We drove to and from school together. When we saw each other around school, we looked at each other like we had a secret. And I was more than happy to keep it that way. I had nothing all that important I wanted to talk to her about with other people around anyway. Besides, it was bad enough that the boys knew something was going on. If I actually stopped and talked to Piper more often than actually necessary, then there was no way they were keeping their mouths shut about it.

Which made it unfortunate when her friends – including Mason and his friends – and my friends were in the same vicinity outside school on Wednesday afternoon.

“Now, I see why we’re here,” Jake laughed.

“Fuck off,” I said.

“If this thing gets any more obvious, Carter will cave your face in,” Steve commented.

“He wouldn’t dare fucking touch him,” Rio said, then said to me, “Not that you’d hit him back.”

I frowned. “What is that supposed to mean?”

Rio shrugged lazily. “You wouldn’t dare do anything to piss off Barlow.”

I huffed. “Less talking, more skating.”

“You just say that because you love me!” Rio called as I dropped into the bowl.

But my eyes couldn’t stop sliding to Piper. She was watching Mason and his mates, sliding chips into her mouth every now and then as she talked with Hadley and Celeste. Even with the distance between us, I could see she was stressing about something.

So, yeah. She’d told me she was going to the park, and I’d suggested to the guys we went to the skatepark as well. I wasn’t trying to keep tabs on her. At most, I was hoping I could give her a ride home. Of the strictly drive her in the car type. Although, I wouldn’t have said no to any other kind of ride with her.

She looked over to me and something came over me. I purposefully missed my landing and fell off my board. I watched a smile blossom across her face and felt the blossoming bruise on my hip was fully worth it.

“Dude! You totally had that! What happened?” Steve laughed.

“Dunno, man.” I shrugged. “Accident.”

But Rio was looking at me like he knew better. I saw the smirk in his eyes. The dude was aboutthisclose to saying things neither of us wanted him saying. I pointed at him in silent warning to keep his mouth shut as I pulled my smokes out of my pocket with my other hand.

“Don’t start with me,” I told him.

Rio shrugged. “I wasn’t gonna.”

“You were.”

“Can I?” Steve asked.

“No,” both Rio and I told him.

“I didn’t think you’d need to,” Steve mimed pumping his hand over his cock, “f-f-f-fake it, man.”

I actually had to hide a smile. “Fuck off.”

“Try the pipe and you won’t have to fake it,” Jake said.

“I don’t fake shit!” I said as I set off on my board.

“Maybe he’s not the faker?” Rio suggested.

I huffed a rough laugh. “You can fuck off.”