Page 102 of Perfectly Accidental

Chapter Fifteen


“What is so interesting on your phone, Roman?” Dunbridge called.

Yeah, I was in class. It was known to happen. Occasionally. I found it was easier to cause a ruckus when I actually showed up to shit.

I glared at Dunbridge. Of all the times for him to be himself, now had to be one of them. Because I wasn’t already pissed off enough as it was.

“Sorry,sir,” I said. “That my family issues are getting in the way of athrillinglesson.”

Well, he didn’t know what leg to stand on now. He could berate me for being a sarcastic dick, or he could pity the poor unfortunate soul with his troubles. More often than not, he went with pity. Which wasn’t any better.

And that day was no exception. “Fine, Roman. But try to keep it to breaks, all right?”

I nodded and he went back to the lesson. Despite his warning, I shot off a final text to Mum.


Sure. I’ll get her.

Because I had to get Maddy from school. All Mum had said was that she was sick. I didn’t know how sick. Mum was stuck at work, and she couldn’t spare the time to give me all the details. I got that, but it didn’t help me not worry. Mum had stressed at lunch was fine, and I needed to find Piper anyway.

Piper who was – according to the Waketon High gossip mongers – going to be asked out any minute by Mason. I didn’t know what was taking him so long. He and his friends sat with Piper and hers every break, and he still hadn’t fucking sacked up. I almost wondered if he didn’t really like her. I would have smashed his face into the ground had that been true, but I saw the way he looked at her. He looked at her the way I looked at her, but with a far cleaner mind than mine.

So, I was dealing with that – or not – and now I had to play chauffeur. Not only chauffeur, but I had to pull past Mum’s work to get the car seat and then get Maddy. Then what was I supposed to do with her? Hospital? Home?

I wasn’t cut out for this shit!

At lunch, I was standing with the boys while I kept an eye out for Piper.

“You really need to get her number,” Jake said.

“You haven’t got her number?” Steve asked.

I shrugged. “It’s never come up.”

“It would change things, you mean,” Rio said.

“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” I asked him.

He nodded at me like he was telling me I was an idiot. “You know what that means. You don’t want her number because then you can’t pretend all this shit’s spontaneous. You’d have written record of making plans, and then everything changes.”

I sniffed. “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Then get her number.”

“Fine. I will,” I said, lighting a smoke.

“Fine,” Rio said.


“Well, now that’s sorted,” Steve snorted. “Your girl’s over there.”

“She’s not my–” I started.

“Fucking bullshit,” Rio interrupted me.