I hung my head back and sighed.

I didn’t want to go to Jimbo’s. I wanted to go to Piper. I wanted to talk about nothing and everything, and just see the smile on her face.

That, apparently, my hand could get on board about.

But how in the hell was I supposed to get her attention? I didn’t have her number and I really didn’t want to knock on the back door and have to answer to her parents. It was tiring enough answering to my mum, I didn’t need the third degree from Mr and Mrs Barlow as well. Or, worse yet, teasing from them as well.

So. what did I do?

Like the fucking nancy wanker she made me, I threw fucking pebbles at her window until she opened it and looked out.

“Seriously?” she whispered harshly, clearly thinking the whole thing was as stupid as I did.

But the sight of her had settled that nervous restlessness and I couldn’t give a shit about the fact I was throwing pebbles at her window. “Hey.”

“What are you doing?” she asked.

“Avoiding the screaming, flu-y five-year-old.” And apparently Rio. “What are you doing?”

“Having a John Cusack movie marathon.”

“Seriously?” I asked. “Lame!”

“That’s rich coming from the guy running away from a five-year-old!” she pointed out and I had to hand it to her.

“Yeah, true.”

“Did you want something?” she called.

I shrugged. “I dunno. Thought you might like to hang out?”

She smiled down at me, and I knew I was in for it. “John Cusack takes precedence over you and your five-year-old avoidance, sorry.”

I couldn’t help but return that smile. “Can I at least join you?”

“You’re going to voluntarily watch John Cusack movies?”

“I have no idea who that is, remember.”

“I’m having a Rom-Com binge,comprende?”

That I understood and it sounded heinous. Still, I’d be with her, so how bad could it really be? “Still preferable to the whiny child at my house,” was what I told her.

“Damn, it must be bad.”

“Can I hang out with you or not?”

She crossed her arms and aimed for adorably authoritarian. “What do you plan on doing if I say no?”

No fucking clue. “I will hang out down here and have a rollicking good time of which you will be terribly jealous.”

She smiled. “Fine. I’ll come down and let you in.”

In? As in, in her house? The two of us in her house? Quite possibly in her room? Alone? Together? The mind did come up with a number of delicious scenarios. Except…

“What about your parents?”

“They’re not home this week!” she called back, and I wondered why we were whispering then.