Page 178 of Perfectly Accidental

“Used to be, you knew I was on your side, Roman,” Rio said.

“What do you want me do, Rio?” I asked.

“I want you to pull your fucking finger out and stop the three of us being unbearably miserable!”

I couldn’t help but smirk. “Three of us?”

Rio’s lip tilted as well. “You think I like being the voice of reason? You think I like these nancy wanker words?”

“Sometimes, they’re necessary,” I said.

“Sometimes, you need to hear them.”

It was eerily close to what Piper had said. I didn’t know what I’d done to deserve either of them, but maybe they were both right. Maybe the only way I was going to let go of my past was to take hold of my future. I had a fuck tonne of baggage, and it was going to take longer than six months of mandated counselling to fix, but Piper knew that, and she still loved me.

“Fuck…” I breathed. “She loves me.”

Rio nodded. “Yeah, mate. She loves you. Likelovesyou.”

“And I love her.”

“I know you do.”

“What if I break her?”

He scoffed. “Pfft. You think you can break that badarse bitch? Mate, she’ll kick you to the curb before you break her.”

“So, I’m definitely going to lose her? Thanks.”

He shook his head. “More likely, she’ll heal you.”

“I don’t think that’s how it works.”

“Nah, fine. I mean, she’ll give you the space and help you heal. You’re already better because of her. Because of… Well, I don’t give a fuck about what you two get up to, but mate… But she seems happier, more confident, and you’re…better with her. The two of you were made for each other, and can you please just fucking agree with me so nothing that heinous has to ever leave my mouth again?”

I gave him a rough chuckle. “Okay.”


Maybe it was okay. I’d held onto hate and anger and pain my whole life. I’d felt less than in every moment of my existence. Until her. I might not have many prospects open to me after fucking away my chances, but I could make her smile. I could make her laugh. I could make her feel good. And that, I finally realised, was worth a fucking lot.

I needed to let go of it all. Everything I’d held onto. I needed to let it go and hope that it wasn’t too late to be with Piper.

I nodded. “Yeah. I guess I need to work out how to win her back…”

Rio grinned. “I’ve got some ideas.”

“You’ve got some ideas?” I scoffed. “What? You’ve been watching a bunch of stupid rom-coms and taking notes?”

He grinned. “Yeah, maybe.”

I put my arm around his shoulders as we headed after the others. Again, mostly strategic. “Thanks, man.”

“For what?”

“For being a nancy wanker long enough to bitch slap some sense into me.”

“Hey, that’s us now, mate.”