Page 44 of The Wife Win

“I’m sorry you’re going through such a hard time. Is there anything I can do to help?”

Her eyes flicker and she shifts toward me, her knees positioning to the side, brushing against mine.

“You have no idea how much you’ve already done to help, Marek. You didn’t owe me any of this.” She removes her hand and gestures in the air with a wave. “You’ve been so incredibly generous.”

“It’s the least I can do. I still feel bad about our first, or rather, second meeting.”

“Water under the bridge. Seriously.”

She gives me a grateful smile. I can’t help but stare at her mouth, the dewy softness of her lips is enticingly kissable.

The confines of the back seat suddenly feel restrictive and small. I’m enveloped in her soft female scent, captivated by her proximity. What would happen if I just leaned over and gently pressed my mouth to hers?

I guess I’ll never find out because the car comes to a slow stop.

“Sorry to interrupt, sir, but we’re here. Is there a code for the gate?”

My attention turns to the driver, leaving behind the moment and my thoughts of kissing Harper’s delectable mouth. I pull up my texts and scroll through, locating the one DeMarcus sent me yesterday containing the instructions for entering his house.

“Yes, it’s 5601.”

Harper swings her knees forward once again and dips her head to look out the window. “Holy moly, you weren’t kidding. This place is truly a mansion.”

She twists her neck and looks at me over her shoulder. “Must be nice having friends like this. I’m going to start calling you ‘Big Man’ all the time from now on”

Choking out a surprised laugh, I open the back door. Although meant to be tongue in cheek, I like the sound of it coming from her.

* * *

Since today was a travel day,I’d planned on ordering dinner in so I’d have time to go through my notes and plans for the weekend’s events. Although, when I arrived in the house, there was a note from Tamika indicating she had the fridge stocked for me.

The dinner in would also give me time to write my short acceptance speech for the award banquet tomorrow night, I should’ve declined the award when they initially notified me that I was one of the recipients. I’m not in this profession to earn praise for myself. That’s not my end goal. If I’d wanted to be recognized and noticed, I would’ve remained a professional basketball player.

I’m not a spotlight kind of guy. Being out in front doesn’t appeal to me as much as being the guy behind the curtain calling the shots and putting together a team of spotlight-seeking players. That’s my jam and what I hope to accomplish during my tenure as their leader. If I do my job well, that will happen.

Frankly, the only meaning the award does hold is that I received the nomination through peer recognition. I was selected as a nominee, and then award recipient, by the other coaches, staff, and GMs within the league. That’s what makes it such an honor and the reason I’m accepting it.

It also holds special meaning because it’s proof that out of the ashes rises the phoenix. I’m proud of what I accomplished with the Pilots, despite my personal losses these past few years. Now, if we can parlay that into a conference title and then a league championship, I’ll have what I want.

“Am I interrupting anything?”

Speaking of what I want…at the sound of Harper’s voice, I look up from the kitchen table where my notes and spreadsheets are sprawled out in front of me. She stands in bare feet, wearing a pair of black leggings and a sports bra under a slouchy sweatshirt that drapes over her arm, exposing the delicate skin of her shoulder.

It’s a casual look but, my God, it’s sexy as fuck and has my blood pumping to places that have long been stagnant.

I point to the open seat next to me. “Of course not, come in. In fact, I was just about to check in on you to let you know dinner will be arriving shortly.”

Harper takes a seat, pulling a knee up to her chest and locking her arms around her shin. She must be freshly showered because her long hair is damp and is twisted together in a side braid that hangs over her shoulder. I catch a whiff of her fresh, clean scent, dotted with honey and vanilla bourbon, and my cock stirs inside my slacks.

“You don’t have to worry about feeding me. I brought some snacks along.”

I narrow my eyes and give her a look that brooks no argument. “You’re in this situation because one of my staff fucked up. The least I can do is feed you a decent meal. I hope you like prime rib.”

Her stomach growls loudly and her eyes fly wide in surprise. “I guess my stomach doesn’t protest the offer.”

I close my laptop and grin. “Good. It’s settled then.”

Leaning forward, Harper glances at the papers strewn about, nodding to the mess. “Who are some of the kids you’re most interested in this year?”