Page 31 of The Wife Win

But as they say, fool me once, and all that shit…I quickly learned my lesson and I never let it happen again. I got back on that horse and never, ever let my eyes wander below the belt.

The sad truth is that women like me have had to fight for equality in this business for decades to earn a spot alongside our male counterparts. There have even been court cases like Ludtke v. Kuhn back in the 1970s whenSports Illustratedreporter Melissa Ludtke filed a lawsuit against Major League Baseball to earn equality in the clubhouse. Unfortunately, all it takes is a few douchebags who think they own the world because they’re a celebrated sports hero and not enough women to stand up against them and take them down a notch. I’m thankful I am where I am today because of the countless women who came before me and paved the way.

Marek clears his throat and turns to me again, his eyes boring into mine with intense sincerity.

“I want you to know you will receive nothing but courtesy and respect while you’re here.” He levels Jaeger and Trenton with a glare that readsI’m watching you two. “And if you don’t, I expect you to let me know. The Pilots will not be portrayed as anything but respectful to women.”

He glances at his phone, which has been chiming with regularity since we left his office. “I’ve got to get on a conference call. I have lunch catered for us at 12:30. Swing back by my office then.”

I’m surprised by this news, but don’t show it. Instead, I nod and shake Marek’s hand.

“Thank you, Marek. I appreciate your time.”

I watch as he turns and makes his exit. I keep having to pinch myself as a reminder that this is my new reality. Here I am, in the workout facility of a major pro franchise with an exclusive behind-the-scenes look into this team. It’s crazy wild and I am so grateful to Marek for letting me in.

Now it’s time to get down to work even if my head is still full of questions about Marek and what happened between him and his ex-wife.

Maybe it’s one of those mysteries I’ll never solve.