Page 19 of The Wife Win

She smiles broadly. “Marek already made the request and it’s waiting for you in his office.”

The young, beautiful blonde receptionist is pleased with herself, sitting up straight in her desk chair. Glen clucks his tongue in appreciation.

“Always on top of things. Thanks, Viv.”

“Of course. Miss Conrad, would you care to use the washroom while you wait?”

I’m not sure what to make of this. Does she think I need to fix myself? I glance down as surreptitiously as I can, making sure nothing is amiss. Finding everything in order, I think better of saying no because I did drink a whole bottle of water during the conference.

“Yes, thank you. That would be great.”

She stands and I follow her quick steps. Glen takes a seat in one of the leather chairs in the open area to wait.

Vivian flings a hand out toward the restroom. “Here’s the women’s room, but if you prefer non-gender, you can use the middle one there.”

“This is good, thanks.”

She turns around and takes off to her post as I step into the beautifully appointed washroom. There’s a locked door labeledMother’s Room,which I presume is a lactation area. The long counter has two sinks and a basket full of an array of sundries for any occasion.

I use the bathroom quickly and wash my hands at the sink, checking out the selection of goodies.

Tampons. Mouthwash. Hairspray. Deodorant spray. Fancy hand lotion. Cellophane wrapped tubes of lip balm. Even condoms.

Is this an executive washroom or a high-end night club bathroom? It does make me wonder…do a lot of “extracurriculars” happen between the players and front office personnel on the regular?

And Marek…he’s single. Maybe he and Vivian…

I shake off my thoughts and decide a little more deodorant might not be a bad idea. Then I use some mouthwash and lather my lips with the delicious berry-flavored lip balm, a little darker shade than my usual, sticking the now-opened tube into my bag.

Then I look back at the basket, peer around me to make sure no one is in here with me.

Snatching a few condoms, I put them in my purse with a wicked grin. A lady can never be too prepared.

Checking my reflection, I heave a sigh. At least I can look and smell confident even if my insides are a trembling mess of nerves.

Smiling to myself, knowing Jade would be so proud of me, I head back out to the reception area. Marek’s office door is now open, and Glen is no longer in his seat, but sitting inside with Marek. Vivian gives me a onceover and nods.

“They’re ready for you, Miss Conrad.”

As I pass her desk, she whispers to me, “Good luck.”

Great. Now the nerves have climbed into my throat, and I might need to throw up.

Taking a deep breath, I walk over the threshold of the office and find Marek standing with his back to me, staring out the window toward the Sound. Glen is chatting about one of the players, but stops when I step in and clear my throat to announce my presence.

Marek turns around, slips one hand out of his trouser pocket and motions toward the seat next to Glen.

“Take a seat, Harper. This won’t take long.”