Page 79 of Paradise Found

Eloise frowns. “I don’t know how much longer I’ll be here.”

Hope blooms in my chest. “Are you thinking of leaving?”

“I think so.” She sighs. “As much as I have loved living on the island with this weather, I haven’t been able to do as much baking as I thought I would be able to. And I realize after doing those markets before I left that was what made me happy.”

This makesmehappy.

Not that Eloise is unhappy here, but because there’s a chance she might be coming back to London.

“Would you continue with the club if you came back?” I ask cautiously. Hoping that the answer is no because then there would be nothing stopping me from asking her out on a date.

“Probably not,” she says, shaking her head. “I want to start living my dream instead of thinking about it,” she explains. “But …” she starts, and my stomach sinks. I don’t know if it’s going to be good or not for me. “I promised Lauren six months on the island, and it’s only been five. She’s having fun, so it wouldn’t be right for me to just leave right now.”

This is great news. What are four weeks in the scheme of things if it means Eloise is coming home?

“Lauren’s been on this journey with me for so many years. She doesn’t need to be working at the club, she has a trust fund that means she never has to work again, but she does it for me. I owe her so much. I feel bad asking her to leave something she likes because she has always followed me as I try and pursue my dreams,” Eloise explains.

I can see the war she’s fighting within herself. She wants to go back to London to start what she loves, but Lauren, who has been with her through everything, doesn’t want to leave just yet.

“I’m sure Lauren wouldn’t hold you back.”

“No, she wouldn’t, but I don’t want to go back without her either,” Eloise tells me honestly.

“I’d be happy if you came back to London,” I tell her.

“You would?” she asks, sounding surprised.

I reach out and pull her on top of me, making her squeal. She looks down at me and brushes the hair away from my eyes. My poor dick wants to be hard, but he’s exhausted.

“I would never pressure you to leave your job, but I would be damn happy if you came back to London,” I tell her honestly. “I’d also happily wait the extra month till your time’s up. As long as when you got back to London, you come find me.”

“I’ll find you,” she says with a smile as she bends down and lightly kisses my lips. I will never get bored of kissing this woman.

“If you don’t, you know I’m coming after you,” I tell her.

“Stalker much.” She chuckles.

“As long as you’re okay with that.”

Eloise pretends to think this over, but the smile on her face gives her true feelings away. “I think I could be.”

Yes,I scream internally as I roll her over onto her back which makes her squeal with delight before my lips meet hers in a searing kiss.