Page 70 of Paradise Found



During that phone call with his mother, I watched Alistair’s heart break into a million pieces. How could she not know what her insensitive questions were doing to him? No wonder he’s bolted from the villa. His family obviously doesn’t care that he’s suffering.

And here I am being a bitch to him, for what? Hooking up with someone at a sex club where I work. Something I have done throughout our entirewhatever it isthat was happening between us. All the while, he was dealing with this.

What kind of lowlife brother knocks up his brother’s fiancée? That’s seriously fucked up. I’m surprised Alistair is still so open after being fucked over like that. I know for sure I would have built a huge wall around my heart if a sibling had done that to me. The fact that he isn’t allowing the fucked-upness of the situation with his brother and ex keep him from his nephew shows what a good guy he is. I remember back to the first time he found me at the markets, and at that time, he was carrying a bouquet of flowers for his ex because she had given birth, and now I know it was his brother’s child. Now, thatisa good man.


Did I just add to his baggage by ghosting him?He doesn’t deserve that.

Yes, I felt hurt by what he had done. But in the grand scheme of things, was it that bad? No. Certainly not fucking your brother’s fiancée bad.

Honestly, I can’t believe his mother had the audacity to question Alistair that way, thinking he would make a scene at the wedding. His brother is a fucking dick. Seems like he manipulates his parents to hurt Alistair.How do they not see that?He doesn’t deserve any of this.

His ex is a one hundred percent bitch.

How could she be screwing Alistair’s brother like that? Why didn’t she have the balls to dump Alistair and then date his brother? I’ll never understand why people do this type of thing. I hope whoever he takes as his date to the wedding is hot and makes Alistair feel secure because I can’t imagine what that day will feel like for him. I’m sure the entire family will know that his brother is marrying his ex. Everyone’s eyes will be on Alistair that day wondering if he’s going to snap.

My stomach sinks at how I’ve just acted, denying him and punishing him for hurting me. When all I was truly thinking about was how much I missed him filling me. My walls have been up since stepping into this villa and seeing him before me. Stubbornly, I chose to put my head in the sand and run like I always do when faced with challenging situations, especially ones that could break my heart. And there he was dealing with theultimate betrayal.

I need to make this right. Even if it means I’ll never see him again, or perhaps, we can just be friends—I’d even accept acquaintances. I am hopeful for more, but I know I’ve ruined what we had, especially with ghosting him as I did.

Who the hell can forgive someone for that?He could.

Alistair wanted to earlier, and instead, I rejected him. All he wanted from me wasnotto call him Mr. King, and I wouldn’t do it all because I was hurt over him kissing Roxana in front of me. Fucking hell! I’ve been incredibly immature over this entire situation.

I’m not great at letting my walls down, and when I did, I got hurt and ran like I always do. Dammit! I’ve been cruel, epically cruel, and I need to fix this mess right now. I need him to know that I’m sorry for treating him the way I have been and that I didn’t mean any of it. He doesn’t need me piling shit onto his already full platter.

So, I head outside. He’s sitting alone on the beach looking out at the waves crashing on the shore. He’s so lonely, so dejected, and his shoulders are slumped as if he has the world firmly loaded on them.

“Hey,” I say, standing in front of him.

“I don’t need your pity, Eloise.” He glances up at me, and the look that he’s giving me breaks my heart.

“Wasn’t giving it,” I answer back, which gets his attention. “Lay back, Ali, and look at the sky,” I say, using his first name instead of baiting him by calling him Mr. King. His forehead crinkles in confusion but eventually, he does as I ask and falls back onto the sand. He looks up at the blue sky above and sucks in a couple of deep breaths trying to center himself.

I drop to my knees and unwrap his towel.

“What the?” he says, sitting straight back up.

I place a hand on his bare chest. Electricity tingles beneath my fingers as I push him back down.

“Eloise …”

As my hand wraps around his cock, I shake my head, pulling a grunt from his mouth. I give it a couple of tugs to get him hard before my mouth wraps around the head of his dick.

His hand stops me and pulls me off him, then he cups my chin as his hazel eyes soften. “You don’t owe me this.”

“I want to … no, I need to,” I confess.

“You and I need to talk,” he adds.

“And we will, but first I need to give you this. Please,” I beg.

He thinks about it for a little longer but sees the determination in my eyes and relents. So, he lays back and slings an arm across his eyes as if to block out the world and any more hurt coming his way.