Page 3 of Paradise Found

Fuck, no.

That fucker deserves every single fist in his face that he gets. He’s done this to me my entire life. He doesn’t give a shit if he hurts me.

He’s in the wrong.

He’s always in the wrong.

He’s the one always fucking my girlfriends.

“Ali,” Miranda lets out a blood-curdling scream which halts my assault on my brother.

I let go of the asshole, and he slumps to the floor with a groan before doubling over in panic as curses fall from his lips, but they are all white noise to me in this moment. I look at my bloodied knuckles and wipe the mess on my jeans. Then I feel the trickle of blood from my nose slide down over my lip, so I use the back of my hand to wipe it away. I look over at Miranda as tears stream down her cheeks, and for the first time, I notice how pale she looks as she holds her robe in front of her naked body.

“Why?” is all I ask her. She knows my history with my brother. With all the men she could have cheated on me with, it had to be him.

Does it really matter why? She still did it to you after knowing what he’s done in the past.

“Get the fuck out of my house,” I scream angrily at her.

Miranda flinches as she takes a step back at the ferociousness of my request. “Ali, please, let me explain.” Remorse falls across Miranda’s beautiful face as she implores me to listen to her pathetic excuse.

“There is nothing you can say that can justify you sleeping with my brother,” I tell her through clenched teeth as I try and reel in my anger.

“I know, Ali. Please, I thought you wouldn’t be home tonight,” she explains.

“Thank fuck I came home when I did then, right?” I say, giving my brother a sideways glance as he pulls himself up off the floor.

He angrily snatches his clothes that are scattered at the bottom of my bed and starts to get dressed.

“You weren’t supposed to find out like this,” Miranda adds quietly as she pulls the silk robe around her naked body and ties it closed.

I look up into Miranda’s blue eyes that are ringed red with emotion. There is nothing in this world she could say that makes fucking my brother okay.

“Of all the people …him?” I ask as my shoulders sag. I’m sick of being fucked over by my brother. I’m surprised it took him this long to do it with Miranda if I am being honest with myself. I knew the time would come because it always does.

Miranda looks down at the floor. It’s obvious she knows that of all the men she could have fucked around with, it being him was the one I could never forgive.


I thought Miranda was different. I thought I’d finally found someone who my brother couldn’t have taken away from me.Fuck, was I wrong.

“Tell him, Mir. He needs to know!” My brother sighs as he finishes getting dressed.

Tell me what?I’m no rocket scientist—I have two eyes and can see that you two have been fucking.

“No, I can’t. Not like this,” Miranda replies to my brother.

“I get it you two have been fucking around. There’s nothing more to say, George.” I turn and glare at my brother, whose face is looking pretty messed up, and that somehow makes me smile. His nose could be broken, and fuck, I hope it is. There’s a line of dry blood smeared across his cheek. There are fresh droplets of blood scattered over his nice new white shirt.

“Tell him, Miranda,” my brother says angrily.

Miranda blanches at my brother’s words.

I hate them both right now, but how dare he talk to her like that. She’d never tolerate that bullshit from me.

“I didn’t want you to find out this way, Ali. I … I was going to tell you tonight,” she says, stumbling over her words.

“You were going to tell me on our anniversary that you’ve been fucking my brother?” I ask bitterly.