Page 27 of Paradise Found

“Oh, what do we have here?” Vixen grins as she sees Mr. King laid out on the bed. Mr. King’s eyes widen as she steps into the room before they run down her hourglass figure. I’m guessing by the way he is licking his lips that he appreciates what he’s seeing.

“Mr. King has been a naughty boy.” I smirk as I stare down at the magnificence that is him spread out across the bed.

“Is that so?” Vixen turns to me and licks her lips.

“Yes, and this is his penance. He wasn’t too happy about another man fucking me, but he didn’t seem to mind another woman,” I explain to her seductively.

“Oh, he hasno ideahow much that was the wrong decision to make. I get off on watching men beg while being denied.” Vixen grins as she looks over him hungrily.

Mr. King’s eyes widen like saucers as he swallows nervously. I can see he is rethinking his choices.Too late, buddy.This is going to be so much fun.

“Vixen, seeing as you like denying men, how about you take control?”

Vixen laughs. “You might be sorry you suggested that, Elle,” she states, licking her lips.

I think I might.