Page 23 of Paradise Found



“You look like you’ve been thoroughly fucked,” Lauren chuckles, meeting me in the locker room. She is also looking like she’s had a good time.

“I have been. His dick is magnificent,” I say, smirking.

“Hell, yeah,” Lauren squeals, giving me a high five. “Mr. Fox fucked me up good. I love aristocratic men who look like they would be all uptight and tense, and thenboom,they fuck you like a damn porn star.” My brow rises at Lauren’s choice of words, and we both burst out laughing.

“Tonight was a good night then, for both of us.”

“No need for my vibrator! I’m going home completely satisfied, as I always do after fucking him.” Lauren smirks. “If only I could find a man like him in real life who could fuck me like he does, then my single days would be over,” she huffs out.

“You need to put yourself out there first,” I remind her.

Lauren waves her hands in the air before she slips her leggings on. “Yeah, yeah … I know, but no one stacks up to Mr. Fox.” She sighs.

There’s a strict policy of no fraternization between guests and staff outside of the club.

Does it happen? Of course, it’s human nature.

But if you want to keep your job and your membership, then you keep it at the club.

“There’s no point dating now, not when we’re about to head to the island,” she adds.

This is true. I grab my backpack, and we walk out through the staff entrance to where a car is waiting. The club has drivers on standby to take staff members home after their shift. The majority are late at night, and with most of the staff being predominately women, the owner, Mr. Lewis, didn’t want us walking along the streets late at night or catching the tube. Instead, he’s hired a fleet of drivers for our safety. We open the door and slide onto the leathery seats.

“Evening, Paul,” I call out to our driver.

He gives me a nod in the rearview mirror and waits for Lauren to close the door before pulling out into traffic.

“Have you social stalked Mr. King yet?” Lauren asks, pulling out her phone.

I glance up to where Paul is driving and frown while shaking my head.

Lauren catches my drift and gives me a smile as she puts her phone away again. We travel in silence all the way home, both of us exhausted from a fun night. As soon as the door to our home is shut, Lauren pulls out her phone and waves it in my face.

“Come on … you can’t tell me after you had some great dick that you aren’t at all curious over who this Mr. King is?” Lauren asks.

“No. He’s a client, and we’re about to move halfway across the world to a tropical island. His dick isn’t worth losing my job over. You know I need the money … I’m so close to achieving my goal,” I tell her. It’s not my fault I haven’t ever fallen for a guest like she has for Mr. Fox.

“You’re right …” She sighs. “What I will say is Mr. King is friends with Mr. Fox and Mr. Lewis, the brother, not the boss,” she adds.

This bit of information catches my attention as I raise a brow at her.

“That’s even worse. Knowing he’s friends with the boss’s brother, you would for sure lose your job if you did anything,” I warn her.

“I know, I know. There’s something about Mr. Fox that has gotten under my skin, and every time I’m with him, it burns brighter.” She sighs.

“Maybe a move halfway across the ocean is what you need to rid yourself of this infatuation.”

“You’re right. I know you’re right. Thank goodness he dumped that dumb blonde he was dating. She didn’t deserve him,” Lauren adds.

I shake my head at my friend. I know Lauren would never blur the lines regarding our job, and as much as she doesn’t need the money thanks to her trust fund, she still loves her job.

“Fine! I need to stop thinking about him.” She pouts.

“I’m off to bed, see you in the morning,” I tell her.