Page 116 of Paradise Found



This week with Eloise has been fantastic. She likes my kitchen, and I’ve been loving coming home to a gourmet meal every night. Seeing her happily dance around the kitchen with the biggest smile on her face when I come home makes having to leave her that little bit more bearable. I’ve put on a couple of pounds because of her food, but luckily, we work most of it off at night. While I’m at work, she’s been spending time creating new recipes and making content for her socials, letting everyone know she is back in the UK. Then once I get home and we sit down for dinner, we talk about each other’s day, and we also discuss her business. She shows me shopfronts she’s interested in, and then we talk about the pros and cons. We have decided to check them out after the wedding next week.

I’ve never had such a sense of normalcy before in a relationship, and I like it. This little bubble we’ve been living in for the week is coming to an end with the wedding now looming around the corner.

It’s Friday afternoon, and we’re heading to Hertfordshire to my family’s country estate, where the wedding is being held. I refuse to be there for a day longer than necessary.

“Relax,” Eloise says, squeezing my hand as we head on out to the countryside, the city giving away to the green rolling hills of my childhood. “Ali, I’ve got you this weekend, okay? We can leave anytime you want. I can try to run block between you and your brother …”

The tension in my body subsides as I bring her hand up to my lips and kiss the top of her hand. She has no idea how much I appreciate her support during this time and especially after everything.

“My family’s estate can be overwhelming because of its size, but my parents are down-to-earth people, which you might not believe after the way I have painted them,” I explain to her.

“It will be fine, Ali. I promise I won’t embarrass you.”

“Babe, that’s not what I meant.” I look over at her with a frown on my face, I hope she didn’t think she wouldn’t fit into my rich family’s lifestyle.

“I know, Ali,” she says, giving me a wide smile. “I promise, you don’t have to worry about me. I’ll make sure I’m the perfect girlfriend.”

“I want you to be yourself, Elle, whichis perfect,” I tell her.

Eloise chuckles. “You’re tying yourself up in knots, Ali. I’m trying to calm you down, but I feel like I’m making it worse,” she says, squeezing my hand again.

“I’m freaking out, aren’t I?”

Eloise nods but gives me a reassuring smile. “It’s going to be fine,” she tries to reassure me.

“I’m going to apologize in advance for my brother. I know he’s going to say or do something completely inappropriate.”

“I’m a big girl, Ali. I can handle myself. I’ve also dealt with far worse people than your brother over the years, let me tell you.”

Maybe she’s right. Maybe The Paradise Club was the best training ground for her to deal with assholes like George. I shouldn’t be worrying about Elle. She’s telling me she’s got this, and I need to believe her. I just don’t want my family scaring her off, not after I’ve found her again.

We make our way down the country lanes until we get to the imposing gates of my family’s estate. Pressing the code to get in, we wait as the large ornate gates slowly open for us, then we proceed along the long gravel road through the woodland forest. We arrive at the red brick, the three-story sprawling mansion which rises from the rolling hills. I look over at Eloise to check if she is okay, but I notice she’s a little pale.

“Are you okay?” I ask with concern as I park the car out the front of the home.

“Yeah, I feel like I’ve been here before, which is strange. Must have been somewhere that looked like this that my parents dragged me to,” she says, shaking her head as if dismissing whatever thoughts had filtered through her mind.

Paul, my family’s butler, is at my door before I have a chance to press the issue further.

“Mr. King, welcome home, sir,” Paul greets me.

“Thank you, Paul. It’s been a while,” I say, nodding in his direction.

“It’s been too long, sir,” he replies while giving me a small smile before walking around to Eloise’s door.

“Miss Muller, welcome to Moore Place Estate,” Paul says, greeting Elle.

“Thank you,” she says, taking his hand as he helps her out of the car.

The rest of the staff rush out and open the car’s trunk and start pulling out our bags.

“Your bags will be taken up to your room, sir,” Paul explains.

“Thank you. I’m assuming it’s a madhouse inside?” I ask as I reach out and take Elle’s hand in mine.