Page 47 of Hush Baby Hush

“He did the same thing when Mike walked through the door,” Teagan stage whispers.

“Don’t tell me that.” Austin sets Joey down with a hair ruffle. I smooth the boy’s dark locks back into place.

“Hiii, Kenzieee,” Joey says with a smile.

“Hey, buddy.”

“The guys are downstairs,” Teagan says. “There’s snacks on the bar and drinks in the minifridge, feel free to make yourself up a plate, and please don’t let Burger upstairs on your way down.” Burger is Jonah and Teagan’s enormous German shepherd. He’s a lovable lug, but I imagine the buffet table wouldn’t last five minutes in his presence.

“Is that your polite way of telling me to get the heck out of here?” Austin says.

“Pretty much.”

He snorts. “All right, I can take a hint.” He hooks an arm around my waist and draws me in for a quick kiss. “If you need me, I’ll be exiled underground with the rest of the beasts.”

“Where you belong,” Teagan says.

I chortle. “Have fun doing subterranean beast stuff.”

“I’ll do my best. Just knock on the basement door if you need me.” He gives my waist a subtle squeeze and then lets me go, bending to pick up Hollywood’s present.

As soon as he’s out of earshot, Teagan says, “If I’d known you two were going to be this adorable, I would’ve tried to matchmake you a lot sooner.”

“That nauseating, huh?”

“Not at all.” She snickers. “And I know you were always planning to come, but I am really glad you’re here. Holly’s been missing you.”

“I miss her, too.”

I tag along with Teagan to the kitchen and grab a lemonade before I make my way to the family room.

The first person I see is Mary’s teenage daughter, Sienna, lounging on the couch with her phone. Cherise and Mary recline on the carpet in front of the television, chatting with Baby Lucy.

Mary looks up at me, and dare I say, she looks...rueful.

“Hi, McKenzie.”

“Hey,” I say. “Have you seen Holly?”

“She’s over there, love,” Cherise says, gesturing to the coffee table.

I’m not at all surprised to see that Hollywood’s stationed herself by the coloring books. I take a deep breath and head over to see her.

Hollywood glances up as I approach. Her eyes glimmer as her lips stretch into a smile.

“Kenzie!” She starts to stand up. I rush over and immediately drop to the carpet beside her.

“No, no, you stay there. I’m sure it took you a hot minute to sit down.”

“You’re not wrong.” She laughs. Relief pours over me as she pulls me into a hug. “I’m so happy you’re here.”

“Me, too.” I’ve missed my best friend so much these past weeks. There are so many things I want to tell her, so many things I’d love to get her opinion on.

“How are you doing?” I ask quietly.

“Pretty good. I was really anxious this morning, but I’m doing much better now that everyone’s here and we’re all just hanging out.”

I only now notice that there’s another person coloring, a pretty, familiar-looking brunette with a round face and full lips.