That was different, and she felt suddenly a little more confident in the face of his own uncertainty. Was this what Henry had meant?

“I’m great, thanks. How are you?” she said, trying for casual.

“Good. Good. Thanks.” His confusion was easing away, and a slight smile was turning his mouth up in an adorable way.

She smiled back, feeling suddenly empowered. “Well, I’d better get in there. See you later.”

Before he could form a reply, she knocked on the door and swept inside the small room even as her heart raced The three kids climbing on the examining table despite the harping of the weary-looking mother seated on the bench did nothing to bring down Benny’s excitement.

Luke Seeley had definitely noticed her today. And it felt good. No, great.

She thought about pulling her phone from her pocket and shooting Henry a quick text, but the sight of the smallest kid about to leap off the exam table brought her quickly back to reality.

Later. Definitely later.

The next day, Benny arrived at the office wearing another skirt and top that she’d picked up last night on the way home. She found that the array of clothes didn’t fluster or horrify her as much as they had before. She was more familiar with what styles flattered her and had a good idea of what she wanted. That in itself was miraculous.

She’d spotted Luke a few more times yesterday after their first conversation, and she’d definitely seen his face light up when he saw her, a warm smile crossing his face as he greeted her or nodded, so something had to be working.

A yawn pulled from her mouth now, and she stretched her arms in front of her. She and Henry had spent another late night watching two episodes of Property Brothers, and she’d shared her victory at not having bumped into any door, wall, or cabinet the entire day.

She considered Henry’s advice, imparted on his way out the door. “Keep in mind, when he asks you out—” A statement she’d interrupted when she snorted and started to object, but he’d pressed two fingers to her lips, effectively cutting her off.

“When he asks you out,” he continued, “you can’t be too available. Remember, you have to make him work for it. He has to know that you’re not just sitting home pining away, waiting for him to ask you out, and that you have other…options. You’re going to have to turn him down.”

She’d almost laughed then. “Turn down a date with Luke Seeley? Are you insane? That’s what we want—what I want. What we’re doing all of this for.”

“Do you want to just be one of the many women the guy sees once before moving on, or do you want to be someone he’s really interested in? Someone he has to work to see, a prize in itself? Guys like a challenge. And that’s what you need to give the good doctor. You have to trust me on this. Say yes too soon, and that’s all it’s going to be. Think long-term.”

Even now the thought of declining a date from Luke seemed ludicrous. Not that she was in imminent danger of his asking her out, since it was Thursday and he was bound to have plans already set for the weekend.

So it was something of a shock when five minutes later someone knocked on her door and, instead of Roz’s long face, she looked into the warm gaze of Luke Seeley.

Holding two cups of coffee in his hands.

“Thought it was only fitting that I returned the favor and brought you some coffee today. I didn’t know what you liked, so I got a skinny vanilla latte. Hope that’s okay—it just seemed to be a popular drink of the women ahead of me.”

“It’s perfect, thank you.” Even if she hated the flavor of vanilla in her coffee and preferred whole milk to skim, thanks to the richer texture it gave. But she smiled and took the cup from his hand.

“Not a problem.” He stood there another second, staring at the floor as he considered something. “Actually, maybe you can help me out with something. Dr. Albert has to cover the clinic this Saturday, so it’s thrown a little hitch into my golf plans.”

He was going to ask if she’d mind covering for Dr. Albert. She’d been asked a couple of times before to cover by other doctors, and being the newbie, she didn’t want to risk making enemies. She waited now for the appeal, resigned to having her hard-earned Saturday off taken away.

“So…since you play and all, I wondered if you’d consider being my partner.”

She couldn’t have heard him right. He was asking her to play with him? This Saturday?

Her head seemed to be spinning at the possibility, and she forced herself not to jump up and bounce around the office. Best to be sure. “Sorry?”

He smiled, confident and certain. “Saturday? Golf? With me?”

Yeah. She’d heard him right. She opened her mouth, ready to say, “Of course,” and ask what time should she be ready, but then she remembered what Henry had said.

To make him work for it. To…tell him no.

“I—I think that sounds like fun, only…I kind of already have weekend plans.”