She laughed and looked around her. “Shh. Someone might hear you.”

He peered around. “I don’t think anyone is even looking at us. In fact, maybe we could sneak away and start that tutorial sooner rather than later.”

A thrill shot through her, and she melted farther into him. “Soon.”

But for now she was just going to enjoy this moment. Here. Now.

With the man who loved her. Exactly as she was.


“You know, I think we should wait a week before we tell anyone,” Benny said, running her fingers across Henry’s belly, smiling as he sucked in and tried not to flinch. One thing she’d learned over the past couple of months was that Henry was surprisingly ticklish. Something that had come in handy a time or two.

He lifted her hand, holding it up so the early September sunlight pouring into his master bedroom glinted across the massive diamond that sat on her left ring finger. “What, are you saying this so you have time to swap this ring out for something better?”

She laughed. “Hardly. You—you did good,” she said and smiled as she stared at the stone and the entire set

ting. Better than good.

When he’d actually gotten down on one knee last night and asked her to become his wife, she’d cried and laughed with absolute joy and happiness.

Life couldn’t get better than this, she’d thought.

“Is it because you think they’ll question our sanity in getting engaged so soon?”

“Hardly. You remember the track record my family has when it comes to…hasty weddings,” she said, Cruz and Payton’s coming to mind with the win at less than a week. Real or not. Besides, as Henry had put it, once you know who you want to spend the rest of your life with, then there’s no sense in waiting to get that life started. “No, I just wouldn’t want to take anything away from Kate and Dominic’s big news. I mean”—her voice rose several octaves higher—“having a baby! That’s just simply amazing.”

He dropped his arm so that both their hands rested, still entwined, over his heart. “You wouldn’t be taking anything away. You know your family would want to share in this news with us. And maybe I can finally get your brothers to tone down the defense any time we play ball.”

But he was smiling as he said this, especially since she had caught Henry throwing out a few moves of his own the last time, something that had earned a slight smile from even the ever-stoic Cruz. Henry was really enjoying having this new family as much as they were enjoying having a new punching bag.

The alarm, set for seven, went off, and Henry hit it with his free hand.

She breathed in a sigh. “I guess I should probably get in the shower. My day is going to be packed with all of those extra patients.”

Patients that came from Luke’s wide list, since, as of a month ago, he’d decided to go on another stint with Doctors Without Borders and needed to distribute those patients among the rest of the doctors in the practice. Not that she wouldn’t miss him, even if it had been awkward in those initial couple of weeks after their talk, when he learned that Henry might have been more than just a golf instructor after all. But he’d taken it remarkably well and, in fact, had become a good friend.

“Would you like some company?” Henry asked and gave her a devilish grin.

“Not a chance. You’d only make me late,” she said, although she made no move to get up from her cozy spot pressed up against Henry. “Besides, you have your own meeting to get to. Aren’t you presenting the big campaign to the AirPro folks?”

“Not until after lunch. Which, if you recall, I’m having with my sister. Is it safe for me to tell at least her about our engagement?”

“Absolutely.” Benny couldn’t be more excited to make Morgan and Ella a permanent part of her family as well, having spent a lot of time with them both. And Paul, whether he’d admit it or not, was a tiny bit smitten with Ella, which was adorable. “Maybe she and Ella can come for dinner tonight, if they’re free.”

“I’ll let her know.”

They both were quiet, neither making any move to get up.

This was where she always wanted to be. She closed her eyes, savoring the moment. A couple seconds later, Henry was nuzzling her neck and she smiled.

He was really going to make it hard to get up and going.

“You sure you want to go take a shower right now?” he asked.

The swirling in her stomach said no. She hesitated, and Henry pressed his advantage home when he deepened his kiss, knowing just how she’d react.

“Maybe…maybe I might have just a little time after all.”