“Tell me you didn’t know that Luke and I were out here earlier. That you hadn’t planned on interrupting us like that.”

He looked the picture of innocence as he raised his brows. “I had no idea you were out here,

not until my door had already shut behind me. Why? Did I interrupt something?”

She still wasn’t sure if she was buying it, but then again, what motive would he have to try and sabotage her and Luke’s first kiss? She’d give him the benefit of the doubt. “You happened to interrupt us at the very moment we were about to kiss.”

He burst out into laughter. “That is lousy timing. I trust that he managed to get things back on track, though. I mean, from the way your lipstick is smeared and your mouth is a bit puffy, you either were soundly kissed or are having an allergic reaction to something.”

She smiled, unable to stay mad, feeling more certain it was all unfortunate timing. “It was better than I expected. Thank you again for the, uh, practice session last night. It made the whole experience more than I could have hoped.”

He nodded, and she wasn’t sure, but she thought she saw a flash of something other than amusement in his eyes. “Well, you look absolutely amazing. Stand back for me, I want the full effect. I don’t think I’ve seen you with the entire makeup treatment before,” he said more thoughtfully. “Is that what my stylist recommended?”

“It is.” Only he was giving her the same perplexed look she’d seen before. On Daisy. “What? What’s wrong?” Her hands went to her face, self-conscious. Maybe she’d applied it wrong, had been doing the whole thing wrong all week.

“Nothing. You look beautiful.” He said it with such utter sincerity that she dropped her hands, knowing he was being honest. “I’m just not used to it is all. You look…different. But beautiful.”

“Thank you. Wow. I have to stop saying that to you. That’s the last one you get.” But she was smiling again, feeling infinitely happier than she had in a long time. Things were on track, and Henry Ellison, eternal bachelor and playboy, thought she was…beautiful.

“I’ll let you go. I just wanted to see how things went,” Henry said and backed toward the door.

She was suddenly overwhelmed with the need to have him stay. To keep her company. She hadn’t quite realized before now how much she appreciated and enjoyed having him over, whether in conversation or just watching something on TV. “Are you sure you can’t stay? I can put on an episode of Property Brothers, open a bottle of cheap wine?”

“Nah. I have an early meeting. Another time.”

She nodded, tamping down her disappointment. “Oh. Before I forget. Luke asked me out Saturday. I hope that my saying yes didn’t mess anything up. I know you said make him work for it, but I thought I’d have more time to prepare before he asked again, so…I just kind of said yes.”

“You scored the next date before the first was over? I’d say that’s a victory. He’s on the hook. Just go with what feels natural. We’re still on for golf Sunday? Or should I wait to make sure you aren’t having a…late night with the good doctor,” he said and smiled salaciously.

“Don’t try and wiggle out of another coaching session with me. I can promise you that no matter how well things go between Luke and I, I will not be sleeping with him. At least not on the second date.”

“Really? And is there some magical formula for when you will sleep with a man? Is three the magic number?” he asked teasingly.

“Wouldn’t you like to know.”

He wasn’t far from the mark, though. Magical was what she was looking for. Because before she was ready to take that big step of sleeping with Luke or anyone, she wanted to be sure there were real feelings there. She wanted it to mean something to them both. And to be more precise, that couldn’t happen until at least date number four.

Or so the book she’d read a few years ago had said.

“Okay, then. I’ll leave you to it. ’Night again. Don’t let the bedbugs bite and all that.” He had a slight smile on his lips as he said this, the same smile that she’d seen on him dozens if not hundreds of times. Only the sudden beating of her heart and the way she had to catch her breath for a moment was something entirely different. And unsettling.

It had to be the effects of the sushi. Or of kissing two entirely different men twenty-four hours apart.

She forced a nice, neutral smile to her own lips. “’Night, Henry.”

Chapter Fifteen

“You may not be the most talented chef, but you do make a mean omelet. Even if it is seven o’clock at night,” Morgan said and ate the last bit of her spinach and goat cheese omelet.

“Thank you. I don’t do a lot of dishes, but eggs are my specialty.”

“Does that have anything to do with the fact that it’s probably the only meal you know how to prepare? You know, on those mornings when you’re trying to impress the latest goddess.”

“You wound me,” Henry said, touching over his heart. Even though his sister had hit the nail on the head with that assessment. Omelets of all varieties, eggs Benedict, scrambled, sunny side up…you name it and he could cook it.

“I think you’ll survive. Ella, did you want any more scrambled eggs?” Morgan asked her daughter.

“I don’t know. Do you have Lucky Charms, Uncle Henry? Like you did last time?”