“She’s putting a call in now.” Her eyes were so expressive, filled with hope. “Actually, I’m hoping she’s packing her suitcase and getting ready to head home with Brad. Giving us complete privacy and time to ourselves.”

“Well, save for the fifty-odd family members staying here with us. And the lunch downstairs in about…twenty minutes?” He slipped a finger to her lips, outlining their softness.

“Twenty? That should be enough time.”

“I have no idea what you mean.” He kissed her then, feeling her open to him completely, stretching up on her tiptoes so she could wrap her arms around his shoulders, deepening the kiss.

When they were together, like this, he could shut everything else out.

Pretend they were the only people who existed.

Except… “Payton?” he pulled back, tucking a stray strand of hair from her face. “Although there is nothing I’d love more than to figure out the ties on your dress and have it lying in a pool around your feet, I have just one call to make. Two tops. I have some good news.”

She looked up at him, curiosity lighting those green eyes. “Does this have something to do with the contract that Brad said he delivered?”

He couldn’t stop the grin that split his face. “It does. It’s mine. No—it’s ours. The contract with Eastman Motors. Dick Eastman signed it yesterday and, as of ten minutes ago, I added my own signature. Do you have any idea how much this deal is worth?”

Her eyes shone back with something akin to pride and she took her hand and wiped a smudge of shaving cream from above his ear. “Substantial, I take it. So we’re celebrating, then? Have you told your father?”

“Not yet. But there was a small hitch on the contract in that Dick has moved up the time table a full month, which means I need to call a couple of my subcontractors and get things rolling. I’ll meet you downstairs as soon as I’m done.”

She sighed and took a step back, still smiling but a little less brightly and nodded.

“I promise,” he said and took her hand to his heart, enjoying the feeling as he had that first time at the airport all those days ago. “And then you and I have a date. I’m seeing the two of us on the beach, you in the tiniest bikini you can find. On the other hand,” his smile turned a little more devilish, “maybe we should stay closer to the room.”

“Okay, I guess I should at least go see my mother off anyhow. But you had better hurry. I don’t think our escape last night went entirely unnoticed and I can just imagine the questions those sisters of yours are going to ask me.”

“Just look at it as baptism by fire.” He leaned down and placed one more peck on her lips.

He’d been worried for nothing.

For a brief moment, he considered just bagging his plans to get in touch with his subcontractors. In just enjoying this moment and calling Payton back so they could fully appreciate what they had in each other. It could wait until tomorrow.

But it was just twenty minutes. It was only fair to give everyone a head’s up. Then there was the matter of the press release that was ready to be sent to the news outlets tomorrow morning. The new employees and subcontractors he’d need to hire to get started on the new projects in the coming months.

Payton understood how important this deal was to him, to the future of his company, and ultimately, to both of them. He’d be downstairs and at her side soon enough.

Chapter Sixteen

Kate and Dominic were, not surprisingly, ten minutes late to their scheduled brunch, arriving with the same flush and glow of excitement and happiness they’d been exuding for the past twenty-four hours. What had surprised—and more than a little disappointed—Payton was that Cruz had still not arrived.

Nor had he arrived by the time she’d finished her fruit and morning coffee and successfully headed off any questions from Benny or Daisy about how her night had gone. They very well knew where she’d been and what she’d been doing, but other than a few wide grins, they’d managed not to pester her for the finer details. Which was no small relief.

She’d just asked for a second cup when Kate slipped in the seat next to her.

“I’m going to need sunglasses to look at you if you don’t stop beaming like that, Kate.”

Kate looked her over carefully and smiled. “I might have to say the same thing. I’ve heard a few…hints that maybe you and Cruz had a busy night yourself.”

“Good grief. You’re kidding. Was it Benny?”

“Actually, it was his Aunt Glenda. I dare say they’re already estimating how long it will be before wedding bells are ringing again. But in all seriousness, contrary to everyone’s belief that Dominic and I were only gazing into each other’s eyes all night, I did see you and Cruz together and I can honestly say, I’ve never seen either of you look happier.”

Payton remembered the long night the two of them had spent getting a lot better acquainted. Kate giggled. “I can see that you’re still reliving some of those finer moments.” She looked around. “But where is the lucky guy? I don’t think I’ve seen him.”

Payton told her about the contract being finalized and the push up of the dates that had Cruz trying to take care of a few things. “He’ll probably be down in the next few minutes.”

“I haven’t seen your mother, either. Tell me you didn’t duct tape her to a chair and hide her in a closet.”