Swallowing a nervous hiccup, she entered the low-lit room, thanks to the lamp he’d left on by the window. But it wasn’t the front room that she was interested in exploring, and she continued on to the bedroom, feeling his gaze on her. Her heart pumped loud and frantically from anticipation and she turned to face him.

Scared because she didn’t think she’d wanted anything more than his touch.

Cruz raised his hand to her face, his thumb outlining the curve of her jaw as he closed the space between them. His lips touched her jawline, tender, and slipped to her neck. She shivered and raised herself on her toes to bring him closer.

But Cruz had other ideas as he swept his arm under her upper thighs and lifted her up in his arms, cradling her to him, before taking three long strides to the bed. He laid her down so gently it was as if he feared she might break and stood there for the longest moment, just looking at her, almost as if he was as disbelieving as her that she was really here.

Now. In his bed.

His first kiss was soft, teasingly so, as he kept his eyes on her. She wanted to savor the satisfaction in those dark eyes, but his hand was moving alongside her body making it impossible to think. To stay focused. Then he was kissing her everywhere, and deft fingers were loosening the fabric around her until it was no longer there and she was nearly naked under his gaze.

“You’re sure about this?” he whispered as his lips nuzzled her neck, making her dizzy with need.

She sighed and shut her eyes as the rush of tender emotions shook her. “Not a doubt in my mind.”

Not that she didn’t have other doubts. Doubts as to where this might lead, whether Cruz would find room for her in his life. Whether whatever place she took up in his life would

be enough.

But right now, in this place, at this time, the only thing she didn’t doubt was that she wanted to try. Wanted to see where this thing with Cruz might take them.

And to feel his lips, his mouth, his hands make love to her with the same passion and fervor as the hazy memories from last night showed him capable. Enjoy the moments, for however long they might last.

Although she was hoping for forever.

Payton felt like a wayward teenager as she crept down the hall later the next morning toward her own room. If she could hole up in Cruz’s room the rest of the day she would, but there were some things that had to be settled. Starting with letting her mother know she wasn’t going to be taking that flight back home today after all.

So with a quick note written on the hotel’s stationary and a longer kiss on Cruz’s still sleeping lips, she’d quietly snuck out to go face the dragon.

Her key card slipped in and she slowly opened the door, anticipating the chain to be an extra hindrance to entering unannounced. But no chain was stretched across to bar her entry, and she breathed a sigh as she shut the door behind her and dropped the shoes she’d been carrying to the floor. She’d only taken two steps into the suite when she realized she wasn’t alone, as the person seated on the corner chair, unmoving, came to their feet.

She expected to see her mother’s frown but instead found herself looking into a definitely masculine, handsome, and all too-familiar face. Blue eyes tinged with golden brown turned down. Almost filled with sorrow. Apology. And confusion.

“Brad,” she whispered.

“Payton?” Her mother’s voice rang out from the bedroom and a moment later she joined them.

But Payton could only stare at the man in front of her. The man she had thought she was going to spend the rest of her life with until three days before. The aching pain of his betrayal stung her again, but admittedly less forcefully, as the pain was replaced with a newfound excitement and happiness. And maybe even a little guilt.

After all, she had ended up marrying someone one day after his betrayal.

“Payton,” her mother started again but it was high and absurdly bright. Definitely hiding something. “Brad arrived almost an hour ago. As I told him when he knocked on the door, hoping to find you and get some time to finally talk, you had an early breakfast with Kate and a few of the others in the wedding party and would be along soon.”

Ahh. So her mother still thought their wedding could be saved. Payton actually felt a moment of pity for her. She wasn’t going to like what she was about to hear. But all in good time. First Payton owed the truth to Brad. And then she’d handle her mother.

Brad was still staring at her, almost in disbelief as he took in her barefooted appearance, the hair that was still uncombed and probably ratted in the back thanks to all the hairspray she’d used to keep the up-do for the ceremony. And possibly the bright glow that she felt emanated from every pore, she was that happy.

He scratched his head, barely mussing the thick dark blond mop on his head. “Payton? What’s going on? You went to breakfast like…this?” Even he didn’t sound like he believed it.

“Mother. Maybe you could check out the pool? Take a walk on the beach? It’s a glorious day outside.”

Just be anywhere else but here.

“I think I’ve had enough sun,” her mother said, ready to argue before taking a long pause. “But I would be happy to leave the two of you alone for just a moment. First, I need a word with you, darling. In private.”

“I’m sure that what you have to say can wait. Brad just—”

“No. It’s okay,” Brad said. “Look, Payton, I love you. I’m not going anywhere. Take a minute with your mother,” he said and walked to the door, “and I’m going to run to the front desk for a couple of bottled waters. We can talk when I’m back.” He gave her a reassuring smile, before opening the door, leaving them alone.