Damn. He should have kissed her in the elevator. Should have crushed her to him and finally been honest with her. Confessed to her that she aroused so many different needs and feelings in him that he was still trying to figure them all out. But that if she stayed by his side—in his arms…in his bed—they could figure things out together.

Dominic began to speak, to promise words of love to one woman, but it was Payton that Cruz was watching. His words from the previous night came flooding back to him. Promising to love her, honor her, stay true to her always and forever, promising himself only to her.

Dominic repeated those same words, and this time Cruz tore his gaze from Payton to stare at Kate, his almost sister-in-law. Kate stared in rapturous wonder at Dominic, her heart there for everyone to see.

What would it be like to have Payton standing before him again, sober, with that same look? To be standing where Dominic was, knowing this woman loved him so deeply and entirely, pushing away any doubts he might have that he was never going to be enough?

That she only wanted him, now and always?

Like the best thing that could ever happen to him.

Payton watched Dominic swear his love and devotion to her best friend, working hard the entire time to keep her gaze from meeting the man’s just behind him. The man who, when she’d come down the aisle just moments ago, had looked at her with those dark, haunting brown eyes, eyes that made her think for a minute he was waiting there for her.

Kate repeated the same vows and despite herself, Payton found tears slipping down her cheek. All too soon, the official proclaimed them husband and wife, and Dominic pulled Kate in for their first kiss, sending the audience into wild applause.

Payton dared a quick glance at Cruz. Yep, he was watching her, and she wiped the tears from her cheek and put on a bright smile just as Kate turned around and reached for her bouquet.

“Congrats, Kate,” she whispered, and her best friend hugged her tightly, then turned back to her new husband, as he took her hand and they walked down the aisle together.

At least one of them could have it all.

By the time pictures were taken and they were free to their own devices, the sun was tucked away and the sky above them dark save for the bright twinkling lights that crossed overhead, lighting the dance floor and dinner tables underneath.

Kate had foregone designating where anyone was going to sit for the reception and had left that to the guests—a wise decision since Payton wouldn’t put it past Cruz’s boisterous family to disregard name cards anyway. Most tables were full but one was left reserved for members of the wedding party. The sisters were already there, trying to get the kids to settle down. Kate and Dominic were held up speaking to Cruz’s parents, which left Cruz unaccounted for.

Payton’s eyes searched the tables again, in case she missed someone. An odd prickling at the back of her neck told her that she’d found her quarry when seconds later, his warm breath tickled her bare skin.

She didn’t dare to move, didn’t know if she could, as this man, this man who engendered the most bewildering conduct from her, reached her side. Neither of them seemed capable of speech, just enjoying the moment. She was almost afraid to speak for fear the magic of the moment would be broken.

“Payton,” Cruz finally said, his words deep and soft.

But whatever he was about to say was lost as Emily Vaughn’s determined face appeared in front of them, and Payton took a step back involuntarily.

“There you are, Payton. Cruz,” she muttered, barely glancing his way before returning her attention to Payton. “I was worried that Kate was going to keep you hostage the rest of the night for wedding photos. Now that you’re here, we should go take a seat as it appears they’re finally going to serve us dinner.”

“Oh. I was planning on sitting with the rest of the wedding—”

“I hope you understand how difficult it is for me, Payton, being here in this strange place,” her mother said in that long suffering voice Payton knew all too well, “not knowing anyone except you. You’re not going to leave me to sit by myself for dinner, too, are you? I promise I won’t make you miss out on the festivities. In fact, I’ll make myself scarce right after dinner. You may want to consider it, too, since our flight leaves in the afternoon and we need to make sure we leave plenty of time to check in and—”

Payton barely managed to restrain from rolling her eyes. “Yes. Fine. Of course, I can sit with you.” If it meant that her mother would retire to their room as soon as they ate, she could force herself to share a meal. A peace offering to the news that she’d dropped on her mother’s lap.

“We’ll both keep you company,” Cruz said and glanced around “We could probably squeeze in another chair at our table, if you’d like.”

“Isn’t that…sweet. But it won’t be necessary. I already have my sweater and purse holding our seats over there.” She pointed to a location several seats away from Kate and Dominic’s.

If Payton wasn’t actually stressed at the unlimited amount of barbs and insults her mother could level on Cruz in the space of twenty minutes, she might have put her foot down. Told her mother that she wanted Cruz’s company and if she didn’t like it, she could leave.

But Payton knew all too well how the woman’s jibes could cut to the bone. And although she was sure Cruz could handle anything her mother threw at him, she would rather save the peace. For now. “It’s fine, really,” she said in reassurance to the concern she saw in his eyes.

“We’ll catch up later,” he said, almost like a promise. He turned to her mother, and nodded briefly. “I hope you enjoy your dinner.”

Casually, he brought his hand to his heart for barely a second as he met her gaze. With a warm smile that left her stomach twisting all over again, he walked over to the table where his family was already seated.

A memory niggled at her. Of Cruz smiling as she nestled into his crook just after making love. Of him taking her hand in his, then laying it over his heart and whispering something in Spanish that she hadn’t understood, but insisted he translate. He’d kissed her hand and returned it to his heart saying—

“Payton? Are you okay?”

Payton jerked her head and tried to smile with nonchalance. “Just thinking how happy I am for my best friend. The ceremony couldn’t have been more perfect. Should we go take out seats?”