Her hand tightened in his. “I hope that’s a promise.”

Hell and damn.

Because it certainly was.

Chapter Ten

Bright, blinding light seared into Payton’s eyeballs no matter how tight she squeezed them shut against the unwelcome intrusion.

Why does my head feel like it’s being smacked against a wall?

Tentatively, she opened one eye, trying to get her bearings.

Crap. She felt like she was going to die.

The sudden twisting in her belly immediately became her most pressing concern as she jerked upright in bed and swung her legs to the floor. She raced to the bathroom, making it just in time.

Oh. Crap.

Exactly how much tequila did I drink last night?

The tiles under her knees were cold and welcoming as she laid her head on her arm, waiting for the next spasm to start.

Another minute passed, though, and nothing came, but her stomach ached. She breathed slowly, hoping she’d rid the worst of the contents from her belly. What on earth had possessed her to drink so much last night? Even more importantly…

Why am I completely naked?

Wait. She was in that hotel room in Tequila. A room she’d shared with—

An image of a naked torso moving above her, of dark eyes staring into her own as they shared the closest intimacy two people could have.

Oh. My. Gosh..

She raised her head. She needed to clear this fog clouding her brain. Because there was no way she’d do something so idiotic just days after breaking it off with her fiancé.

Although…for some reason, the faintest blurry memory of last night didn’t seem like something to be ashamed of. No, the memory seemed to bring her a feeling not just of obvious pleasure but something more.

Of happiness. Excitement. Tenderness.

Coming to her feet, she turned the faucet on and let the water trickle into her hands

before patting some on her face. She scooped the water, ready to bring it to her mouth when she remembered where she was. No, she couldn’t risk getting a parasite. She already felt like she was dying. What she needed was some bottled water. The bottled water from her purse outside the bathroom.

Was he out there?

In her rush to get out of bed, Payton hadn’t processed if she was alone in the bed or if someone else had been next to her.

Sneaking to the bathroom door, something she’d somehow found the will to shut before kissing the porcelain throne, she pulled it open far enough to look out.

The bed was empty. No. The whole room was empty.

Maybe it had all been a dream. Something she’d thought about one too many times in her waking hours that took over in her drunken stupor.

Although it didn’t quite explain her nakedness now.

Where was he then?

Grabbing a towel in case he returned, she wrapped herself in it and scurried across the room to grab the water before barricading herself back in the bathroom.