
She suppressed a smile, knowing very well how old he was but enjoying the rancor in his tone. “Thirty-five, then…you sure act like you’re seventy. I bet you yell at small children who step on your lawn back home too.” Which again she knew wasn’t true because he lived in a condo up by the Capital. Not that she’d been stalking him, but Kate had mentioned it once in passing. “And I bet you bemoan the invention of the television and the arrival of that devil music called rock and roll.”

She snuck another glance at her now silent partner. His jaw flexed, either in irritation or humor, it was hard to tell. “So why even get a smartphone if you’re not going to take advantage of all the features? What about apps? Have you downloaded any of the free apps? Twitter? Facebook?”

“Please,” he said, and made a face. “What a waste of time.”

“Netflix? Pandora? What about Fandango?” More head shaking. “Okay, so you and Becca are out on a date and—”

“I told you I’m not seeing Becca anymore.”

She rolled her eyes. “Fine. Whatever. So you’re out on a date with someone and you both decide you feel like a movie. What are you going to do? Find a paper? Call the theater? With the app, you just touch the screen and it lists all the theaters in your area, what movies are playing, and show times. You’re totally set. It’s magic,” she said and snapped her fingers for effect.

“I can assure you, when I take a woman out on a date, I know

the plans for the evening ahead of time. I don’t ‘wing it.’”

She gave him a sideways look. “Wow. You’re certainly Mr. Spontaneous, aren’t you?”

“I told you. I don’t like surprises. I like to know what’s going to happen when I can.”

“All right. So walk me through one of Cruz Sorensen’s signature dates.”

He ignored her, typing a few sentences on the screen instead.

“What, is it a secret? Proprietary information? Come on. Humor me. I have no music or other entertainment. So you have to give me something.”

“All right. For a first date, I usually try to determine what the woman’s interests are and tailor the evening accordingly. For example, Becca is a dental hygienist who I happened to know enjoyed funny movies and—”

“Dental hygienist?” she interrupted, unable to resist. “Don’t tell me. Did you actually ask her out while she was digging in your mouth? Is that how you met her?”

“—and flowers.” He finished. “And yes. I met her at the dentist on my six-month visit.”

“Romantic.” She chortled. “Does that mean you’re going to have to find a new dentist, now that you’ve called it off?”

His fingers paused over the keyboard. Probably picturing a rabid Becca gripping sharp metal tools as she told him to open up. Ha.

“All right. So back to the date. Becca—and every other human on the planet—likes comedies and flowers. So what?”

“For our first date, I took her to a comedy club and then made her dinner and dessert at my place.” The smug smile on his lips told her dessert was likely a euphemism, and she rolled her eyes. What a guy. “Our second date, we went to an outdoor showing of a Sundance flick up at Red Butte Gardens. She was impressed with both choices.”

Payton had to give him points. Those did sound pretty good. Better than the old dinner and a movie option—not that she didn’t love that too. But there was something to say about originality. “Okay. What about me? Based on what you know of me, where would you take me for a first date?”

He turned to her, and she felt those discerning brown eyes studying her carefully.

Do not squirm.

“That would depend on the season. If it were summer, I’d say one of the outdoor concerts the symphony puts on at Park City. We’d bring our own blankets and wine and lay out under the stars.” She worked to keep her jaw from dropping open. It was exactly her idea of a night out. Had Kate told him? He continued, “In the winter? Maybe a show at Capital Theater and dinner or… Actually. Scratch that. Hockey. Yes, definitely hockey, and dinner would be nachos and hot dogs from the concession stand.”

“Hockey?” That hadn’t been anything near what she’d expected to hear. “Now you’ve overplayed your hand. I don’t even like hockey.”

“Have you ever been to a hockey game?”

She paused. “Well, no. But I don’t have to see the game to know I wouldn’t like it.”

“Which is why it would be memorable. And how can you possibly know you don’t like something that you haven’t tried?” He shot her a disgruntled look. “My point is, I think we can both agree that, contrary to me, you get a thrill out of the unexpected.” For some reason, it struck her that he said this in an almost admiring tone. “And then I’d probably offer some dessert after,” he added, and she glanced over to see a smirk touch those lips. “At my place.”

She laughed. “I’d just bet you would.” Only, the thought of heading to Cruz’s for some dessert and all that it might involve actually sent a jolt of excitement through her. And a little terror.