This managed to earn another strangled laugh and she hiccupped at the end. How could someone she was certain hated her suddenly be there offering his strength and support?

She hated Cruz just like he hated her, right?

She wiped another tear away. “Yeah, well. It isn’t very hard to color in the lines from there. I made the mistake earlier today of trying to have a video chat with Brad before I boarded the plane. You see, I was pretty ticked off with him when he told me he wasn’t coming with me this weekend and I had laid into him. But then I started feeling bad about it, realizing his working was only to help ensure our future together.”

She stopped a moment, as emotion swelled in her throat. She swallowed and continued. “Well, let’s just say when the other line picked up, it wasn’t exactly the image I had expected.” She relayed the visual, ending with the phone disconnecting. “So you can understand why today is not really a highlight in my life.”

He didn’t say anything at first, just remained still as he studied her. “Well, I think you have a pretty good shot that tomorrow can’t be worse than today, if that offers you any comfort. Because I’d agree that this is one shitty-ass day.” He twisted the cap off a bottled water that she realized for the first time he’d been holding since he arrived. “Here. You could probably use this.”

She took the water and let the cool liquid slide past her parched mouth. Before she knew it, she’d gulped down half the bottle as Cruz watched.

He nodded to the phone still on the bed. “You going to be okay if I take that? Did you need to make any more calls?”

She shook her head. “I think enough has been said for today. Take it before I do something stupid.”

“Okay. I’m going to go now.” He came to his feet, returning the chair where he’d found it. “You’ll be all right?”

She tried to smile but it was a pitiful attempt. “I’m not going to drown myself in the tub, if that’s what you’re worried about. Maybe just the dessert under that room service tray.”

“Well if you need anything, I’m in room 626, right down the hall. Otherwise, I’ll come by at six so we can grab something to eat downstairs and get on the road.”

She followed him to the door and held the door as he walked out. “Th

anks, Cruz. I—” she stopped when he turned around to meet her gaze. She was used to seeing his dark eyes filled with censure or annoyance, frustration or anger. But the warm softness in those dark amber eyes was something new. Almost…friendly. She swallowed and tried again. “I appreciate your looking out for me today.”

He nodded. “See you in the morning, Payton.”

She closed the door behind him, leaning against it for a moment as she thought about their conversation.

Maybe the rest of the trip with the usually mulishly silent giant wouldn’t be so bad after all. He might even be growing on her.

Chapter Five

Payton dropped the change in the hand of the toll attendant and, once the gate popped up, pressed on the gas, sending the car lurching forward. Cruz closed his eyes, having vowed not to say a word upon leaving Monterrey that morning.

But seriously. The woman was a menace behind the wheel. He’d almost swear she was doing it just to test his fortitude.

She snuck a glance at him, and he turned in time to see a dimple and smile before they disappeared. Normally, he might be irritated that she was trying to goad him. But this morning, after knowing what she’d been through the day before and the toll it took on her, he was actually relieved to see some of that familiar spunk.

But he couldn’t resist imparting one warning. “I know we’re in a hurry, but you realize that being placed in a Mexican jail for speeding probably wouldn’t help us arrive any sooner.”

“They put people in jail for speeding?” She actually sounded shocked.

“They can do anything if they have reason to. A couple of Americans racing through Mexico may raise their suspicions, and they could fabricate a reason for holding us. You have to remember that in Mexico, you’re presumed guilty until you prove your innocence. Do you really want to push it?”

Payton’s foot eased off the gas a little.

“I’d recommend we go a few miles under the limit, just to be safe. We’ll still easily make Guadalajara by three-thirty.”

He watched her again, the bright morning light making it easier to see her features now that the sun had risen. Since their luggage was temporarily AWOL, Payton didn’t have on the usual light touch of makeup. Her lashes were bare and light like her hair, but instead of making those green eyes disappear into her pale creamy skin, the effect made her look younger and more innocent. If not for the slightest pink tinge around her eyes, you wouldn’t have known she’d spent the night before crying.

His hands tightened in a grip as he remembered that helpless feeling he’d experienced as she crumbled in front of him, tears no longer dammed back. Knowing she was being ripped apart by the actions of the one man who was supposed to love and protect her. Having two sisters, he’d seen first hand the pain and devastation that love can bring, and he’d been careful in his thirty-five years not to get close enough to any woman to cause that pain. It wouldn’t be fair to them.

Unlike Dominic, a family, house, woman of his dreams…they weren’t something he ever envisioned. He wanted to make a name for himself. Conquer the business world and make sure no one ever underestimated him. He couldn’t let himself get distracted by the mess that love could cause. Having Angelina crush his naive seventeen-year-old heart had been enough.

His thoughts turned to the other thing that had stood out about last night. That had, in fact, kept him company long into the early hours, when sleep evaded him.
