All right. I could do this. I’d done much tougher things before, only this time, the consequences of failure were catastrophic. But Brandon was relying on me. He’d never once let me down when I’d needed him, so now it was my chance to return the favor.

I drew in a steadying breath. “Okay, he’s gone, heading east,” I said. “There’s another one snooping around the theater room. Where’s your exit point?”

“I came in via the conservatory in the south wing. That’s a long walk now. Can you find me somewhere closer?”

If Brandon was in the study, that put him on the first floor of the east wing. I turned the hotel room lights on, squinting as my eyes adjusted to the sudden brightness, and grabbed the mansion’s floor plans. I’d studied them enough that I knew them by heart, but I didn’t want to risk making a mistake.

I curled my hair behind my ears. “Sit tight. Give me a minute to come up with an alternative.”

Running my trembling fingertips over the floor plan, I traced out potential routes while checking cameras to determine what security Brandon might encounter along the way. Some guards were stationary, although a few patrolled back and forth along dimly lit corridors. This felt like a real-life version of Pac-Man. God knew how many times those ghosts had hunted down my hungry yellow dot as a kid. But I’d only get one go at this. There were no extra lives.

I tied my hair into a messy ponytail. “How about the delivery door behind the working kitchen?” It was one of his nearest exits on the ground floor and rarely visited by Dante or security since it was the commercial kitchen used by catering staff. There was a much fancier kitchen in the west wing that Dante and Maxim used, and the guards took their breaks in an outbuilding.

“Sounds good. Take me there,” Brandon said, keeping his voice low.

“Exit the study and head west. Second door on your right is the servants’ stairwell. Take that to the ground floor and wait by the door.” I checked the cameras again. “Coast is clear.”

With my heart in my throat, I watched as Brandon followed my instructions. So far, so good. When he was safely in position at the bottom of the stairwell, I searched farther afield.

“Stay where you are. There’s a guard about to walk past your door.” I crossed my fingers that he didn’t decide to enter the stairwell. Brandon must’ve been thinking the same, because he pressed his body flush with the wall. If the door opened, at least he’d take the guard by surprise. Not that we could afford for that to happen. If Brandon had to engage even one guard, the rest would be onto him.

When the guard continued past the door, I released the breath I’d been holding. “Okay. Exit the stairwell and continue west. Third door on the left will take you to the kitchen. There aren’t any guards in there, but one of the house staff is having a nap in the storeroom. He left the door open, so you’ll have to move quietly not to wake him.”

“Copy that. Am I clear to go?”

“All clear.”

Brandon moved smooth and steady, a pistol with attached suppressor at his side. If it all went to shit, he was prepared to shoot his way out. I hoped it wouldn’t come to that.

I checked the other cameras.Shit. Two guards were about to exit the library, which would put them in the same hallway as Brandon.

“Brandon. The door to your right. Get inside there right now!”

Without asking questions, he entered the sitting room and closed the door behind him. Moments later, the double doors to the library swung open and two guards strutted into the hallway, automatic assault rifles slung over their shoulders.

The infrared camera clearly displayed the sitting room’s luxurious sofas and the floor-to-ceiling windows that overlooked the manicured gardens. Brandon had his ear to the door, listening for the guards. There was just one problem.


“Yes,” he whispered and glanced at the camera above the doorway. It felt like he was looking right at me.

“Stay very still.”

He didn’t even blink.

“Don’t turn around, but outside the window is a very large Doberman staring right at you.” Even though the sitting room must be pitch-black, the dog seemed aware of Brandon’s presence.

“Aha,” he said, as if presented with a tricky math problem.

“Actually, make that two guard dogs. It’s just been joined by a friend.” Great. Where were their handlers?

“Do they look happy to see me?” Brandon asked quietly.

One had its lip curled, exposing sharp white fangs. Both dogs stood with muscles tensed and hackles raised. “Nope. Not particularly.”

Back in the hallway, the guards entered the next room.Oh, shit!They were checking every room. They’d be at the sitting room any moment.

“Brandon, forget about the dogs. Is there a lock on the door?”