Her face appeared at the doorframe.



“The shower’s a decent size. Will you come in with me?” There was doubt in her voice, perhaps worried I’d say no. Not likely.


I followed her into the steamy bathroom. She shucked off her jeans and T-shirt, tossing them on the counter before stepping under the scorching spray. I did the same.

I pulled her close. The devastation and exhaustion in her eyes dampened any lustful thoughts. I needed to take care of her. Nothing else mattered.

“You holding up?” I asked.

Cam’s heavy-lidded eyes met mine, and she nodded with little conviction. I supposed it was a stupid question. How the hell could she be all right after almost being murdered?

We were filthy, so I took the time to lather up and rinse both of our bodies. Cam was content to let me wash her hair and clean the dirt and dried blood from under her fingernails.

I held her face in my hands and traced my thumb over her cheek. Guilt ate at me. I couldn’t let it sit between us any longer. “I’m sorry I let you down today.”

She gazed up at me, her thick wet lashes clumped together. “You didn’t let me down, Shep. You saved me. And you couldn’t have known those assholes were going to show up.”

I shook my head. “I convinced you to trust Ben. That was poor judgment on my part.”

“You were trying to do your best with the hand we’ve been dealt.” Cam shrugged and dropped her eyes to my chest. “We don’t know anything about Justin. I’m not giving up hope yet.”

I didn’t share her optimism about her brother’s fate, but now wasn’t the time to discuss that.

I hooked a knuckle under her chin and tilted her face up to mine. “You watched me kill two men today. I don’t regret it or feel even a little bad.” I held her eyes, relieved to find no fear in them.

She placed one palm over my heart. “I know you, Shep. Therealyou. Seeing what you did hasn’t changed how I feel about you at all.” Her throat bobbed and her jaw set firm. “And I’m glad you killed them. You did what you had to do, and I’m only alive right now because they’re dead.”

Cam blinked long and slow, too exhausted to hold her lids open. I supported her around the waist when she swayed on unsteady legs.

“I got you.” I turned the tap off and assisted her out of the shower. After helping her dry and dress, I carried her to the bed. She objected by giving my chest a light slap, but still let me fuss over her and tuck her under the covers.

After changing into boxers, I double checked that the windows and door were secure and placed my loaded Glock on the side table. I flicked the lamp off, then climbed into bed behind Cam. I held her close and drew my first full breath since hell was unleashed upon my world by the river.

Fuck. I’d killed Pauly. No regrets about it, but that act alone was enough to instigate a Mafia vendetta against me. Pauly was high ranking in the Wolf Street Mob and had been by Franky’s side from the beginning. Christ, they might even be related. There was no backing out now.

Cam tightened her grip on my forearm and snuggled against me. What she’d been through today was enough to bring a seasoned soldier to his knees, but she hadn’t fallen apart. At least, not yet. Perhaps she was too exhausted to process anything, or she was holding it together until she felt safe enough to let go.

“What happens tomorrow?” she asked, her voice low and scratchy. Her throat must ache.

“Hit the road again. Keep heading south for Miami. It’ll be a long day of driving, but we can make it there by evening. Set up a meet with my guy to get your passport sorted, then pick up your documents a day or two after.” I kissed the nape of her neck and breathed her in.

“And then I’m on my way to Australia.” Cam said like it left a foul taste in her mouth.

“Yeah, where you’ll be safe from all this bullshit. Where you won’t have to watch your back anymore.” I gave her a squeeze. “You’ve seen first-hand who we’re dealing with. You must get it now… why you need to get the hell out of here until it’s over.”

She loosened her grip on my arm and rolled to face me. The small amount of light in the room reflected off her glistening eyes. “I get it. Trust me, I’m more than happy to be thousands of miles away from Franky Russo. But the thought of leaving you behind to deal with those monsters…” Her forehead dropped to my chest, and she took a shuddering breath. “How am I supposed to function when I’ll be going out of my mind worrying about you?”

I smoothed my hand over Cam’s hair and kissed her forehead. “You will, because that’s what I need you to do. It’ll make my job easier if I know you’re safe.” I cupped my hands around her face. “I knew what I was getting into, Cam. From the moment I decided to take you, I knew there might be consequences for my actions. I’ve always been ready to accept them. And once I deal with these assholes, you’ll be free to come home.”

I didn’t give voice to the alternative. That if anything happened to me and Franky somehow stayed breathing, she should continue on in Australia, never to return home.

“I’ll send word to you whenever I can. But I can’t risk them finding you, so it won’t be often.”

She nodded and sniffled.

I pressed my lips to Cam’s. “I’ve got this, darlin’. If they thought I was dangerous before, they’ve got no idea what I’m capable of now I’ve got something worth fighting for.”

I didn’t plan to make a spectacle out of this. Their deaths would be swift. No warning. No witnesses. No evidence that I’d ever been there. Those still breathing would know who was responsible and that they were next. Their fear would eat them alive before I sent them to burn in hell.

“Now come here and close your eyes. Get some rest.” I tucked her close to me, her head resting on my shoulder, and our arms and legs twined together. I waited for her to drift off to sleep before I allowed myself to do the same.