Lopez already had his weapon aimed at me, his face ruddy and chest heaving. “Don’t you… fuck.” He bent over, but kept his pistol aimed at me. He gasped for breath. “Don’t you fuckin’ move.”

It was over. They’d kill me out here once they realized who I was. I held back stinging tears. Misty white clouds formed on each ragged exhale.

Pauly emerged a moment later, flushed and out of breath. He wheezed as he lumbered for me. His mouth twisted in a cruel grin.

As he advanced, I crawled backward along the pebbled shore. My grazed hands stung as they met with cold water. My jeans and boots were soaked through.

He combed his fingers through his receding hair, trying to bring it into line. “Well, well. What have we got here? Your face has been all over the news. Aren’t you supposed to be dead?” Pauly laughed. Lopez didn’t appear amused. He still looked nervous as hell.

I shivered, my teeth chattering so hard my jaw ached. I didn’t want them to see me scared. The slimy bastard in front of me would get off on it.

“Holy shit.” Pauly continued. “Shep is in a whole heap of trouble. I guess Franky was right to send us up here to snoop around. He won’t believe what we found.”

I stood, shoulders back and spine straight. They wouldn’t have the satisfaction of witnessing my fear. Instead, I channeled my terror into anger.

These men, these monsters, wanted me dead. Their boss had turned Shep and my lives upside down, and I was so fucking sick of being afraid. If flight was no longer an option, I’d fight these assholes until my dying breath.

Pauly holstered his pistol and sauntered toward me, hands on hips. His tongue traced the side of his mouth. My stomach churned as he approached.

“Now what are we gonna do with you?” Pauly tilted his head, the look of a predator assessing its trapped prey. “Since you’re supposed to be six-feet under, we could have some fun out here, the three of us, and then finish the job that Shep was paid a lot of money to do.” He raised a hand to his bearded chin. “Or we could take you back to our boss. Leave a little message here for Shep.” He reached for my hair. I flinched as he picked up a lock and rubbed it between his fingers. “An ear, a toe? Tell him to come collect you. Would be much easier than tracking him down. And sweetheart, I know he’s gonna come for a pretty thing like you. I bet he’s already been doing a lot of coming for you. Am I right?” He laughed at his vile joke.

Slimy creep.

More thunder rumbled overhead, and the first drops of rain were like ice on my skin.

I wanted to tell this douchebag what I really thought of him, and to explain that if anything happened to me, Shep would hunt them down and end them.

It went against all my instincts, but I held my tongue. Aggravating Pauly wasn’t clever because I absolutely did not want to havefunwith him out here before meeting my end. If the alternative was being taken to Franky Russo, then at least I’d stay alive a little longer. There was always the possibility of escaping on the journey there. First, I had to bluff my way out of the current situation.

I worked against the dryness in my mouth to get my voice to work. “I have information. For Franky Russo.”

“Oh yeah? What kind of information?”

I shook my head. “Take me to your boss. I’ll only tell him.” I tried to take a step back, but Pauly grabbed me around the waist and pulled me against him.

“You know, I could make you tell me. I would enjoy that. A lot.” I cringed at the feel of his arousal pressing into my belly.

Sick bastard.

The rain fell heavier. Fat drops soaked my clothes and plastered Pauly’s hair to his forehead.

“Get your hands off of me,” I growled and aimed him with a death stare.

“Or what?” His dark stare traveled to my chest. I wanted to gouge his eyeballs out of their sockets.

“If you hurt me, Shep will come for you.”

“Is that so?” A cruel smile emerged on his face. “I’m not scared of him. No, sweetheart, the only man I fear is Franky Russo. Your boyfriend should too, because he’s gonna be meeting him real soon, and I can’t wait to see how that plays out.”

“I don’t think you want Shep in the same room as your boss. It won’t end well for him.” I shoved against his chest to break his hold, but his hands tightened around me.

“You wanna know what I think?” His eyes widened with excitement, sending a shiver of repulsion rippling through me. “I think your mouth should be doing something other than talking.”

It didn’t matter if I gave him any information or not, he wasn’t going to let me leave these woods unscathed.

Pauly loosened his belt buckle.

Not a chance, asshole.