The pulse throbbing at my temple was almost as loud as the crunch of dry leaves underfoot. I wished there were traffic noises or anything that might disguise my hurried steps.

I ducked behind a large tree and took a moment to catch my breath. Slowly, I peered around the trunk. I was well hidden, but still close enough to peek glimpses of the house.

I could hide here, wait until they’d finished snooping, then return when it was safe. One thing was certain. If I ran too far away and Shep returned, he’d see the busted down door and think someone had taken me. Then he’d lose his ever-loving shit and go on a killing spree, so I needed to remain close.

The men spent a few minutes inside before returning to the front deck. Pauly stood with hands on hips, scanning the tree line. His gaze passed right over my hiding spot.

I froze.

They couldn’t see me; I was sure of it. Lopez looked to the trees while holding his weapon at the ready. Something spooked him.

They walked down the stairs and entered the workshop only to emerge empty handed a short time later.

Lopez skulked to the far side of the clearing while Pauly headed for the tree line, only a hundred feet from my hiding spot.

I ducked back behind the trunk, the rough bark digging into my spine. I tried to slow my breathing and calm my nerves.

Maybe I should have gotten further away when I had the chance. I wished I’d had time to bring a weapon with me. I wished I wasn’t glued to the spot listening to Pauly’s footsteps grow louder. But most of all, I wished Shep was here. He’d know what to do.

“Shep’s lady friend,” Pauly drawled. “You can come out now. We know you’re around here somewhere. We only want a little chat. Not gonna hurt you.”

Holy hell. I hadn’t been thinking straight. My new things were on the dining table, the fire was lit, hot coffee sat on the counter. Of course they knew someone was home. At least they seemed unaware it was me, the woman they’d paid to have murdered.

“We’re pals of Shep’s,” Pauly continued. “Work colleagues, you could say. We only want to pass on a message.”

I crouched low and risked another glance. On the far side of the clearing, Lopez looked twitchy. He clenched his weapon and stared into the woods as if a lion might leap out and pounce on him. Pauly also had his pistol drawn. The sinister grin on his brutish face told me the son of a bitch was enjoying this.

“Don’t make us come looking for you. We might get angry if we have to track you down.” Pauly bent to inspect something on the gravel. “We know you’re on your own.”

Please don’t find my footprints.

He stood and used hand gestures to call Lopez over.

Twigs snapped and leaves crunched as their footfalls grew louder. If I stayed here, they’d find me. If I moved, I had a chance of escaping. It had to be soon because they were coming this way. Frozen in fear, I wasn’t even sure I could will my muscles to move.

Bright lightning was quickly followed by deafening thunder. I almost jumped out of my skin, but instead flung into action hoping the echoing boom might disguise my frantic steps. I ran downhill toward the river setting a cracking pace.

“There she is!” shouted Pauly.

I sprinted faster. Franky’s men crashed through the woods, giving chase.

Their shouting grew more distant. I was thankful for my nightly runs as I fled over the forest floor.

Low branches whipped my face and arms as I raced past. If I made it to the river with enough of a lead, the noise from the fast-flowing water should conceal my sounds. I’d change direction from there, find a new hiding spot, and sit tight. It was a vast forest. It could take them hours to track me down. And that would buy me time for Shep to return and figure out what had happened. It could be my only shot.

The sound of rapids grew louder.Almost there.

A gunshot fired and splinters exploded on a tree next to me. A scream erupted from my lungs. I ducked for cover but kept moving. I had to.

Bursting through foliage, I stumbled on an embankment. As I slid down the steep slope, my hands grazed against rocks. At last, I’d reached the river.

Go faster.

I sped along the rocky shore. My energy flagged as the adrenaline ran dry. I sucked in cold air, my lungs burning, and pushed onward. A little further and I could find a hiding spot and rest.

Movement flashed before me. Lopez sprang through the trees.

I cried out as I skidded and fell on my ass.