A few minutes later, Lou returned to the sofa like nothing out of the ordinary had happened. As for me, my life had spiraled out of control.

Following a tap at the door, the pretty waitress we’d passed at the bar entered the room with a drink on a tray. Long straight hair covered her cleavage as though the low-cut uniform made her uncomfortable.

Her eyes flashed over me before landing on my minder. “Hey Lou,” she said in a sweet voice, her full pink lips forming a shy smile. “Nicky said you’re stuck in here babysitting and could use a drink. I brought you the blue label. It’s your favorite, right?”

Lou grunted and leered at her before taking the tumbler without a thank you. I guessed he was a rude asshole to everyone, not only his prisoners. As the waitress left the room, I could’ve sworn she winked at me.

Lou didn’t take long to finish the liquor. Soon after, he made himself comfortable on the sofa by stretching his legs out, then opened his mouth wide for a lengthy yawn.

I watched him with interest because something was up with that waitress and the drink she’d brought him. Or was it that my foolish imagination hoped a miracle might be about to occur?

Lou sat up with effort. His droopy lidded eyes glanced around the room before they settled on me.

“What’s happening?” he slurred and took a long, slow blink. With hands braced on his knees, he swayed where he sat. When he tried to stand, he fell back onto the sofa.

Holy shit, she’d drugged the bastard!

I stared at him wide-eyed and prayed he didn’t make it out of the room or have the sense to call for help.

He groaned as he struggled to sit forward again, but instead of rising, he slumped to his side, lights out.

“Yes!” I squealed. Except, fat lot of good it did me being stuck in the chair. What was I supposed to do now?

A light knock preceded the waitress's return. She entered and closed the door.

“Thank fuck,” she whispered and hurried to Lou.

Going through his pockets, she fished out a small silver key. Her warm brown eyes lit up as she flashed me a wicked smile. “Bingo.”

“Who are you?” I asked, while she made quick work of unlocking my cuffs. I stood and rubbed my aching wrists.

“Sage. I’m here to help you, Cameron.” She untucked some clothes from the back of her shorts. “Quick, put these on. It’s a spare uniform. It should provide a good cover for you.”

“How do you know my name?” With shaking hands, I shucked off my boots and jeans.

“Brandon told me.”

“Who’s Brandon?”

Sage handed me the shorts and sighed. “Honestly, I’m beginning to wonder if I have any idea who he is at all. But he’s helping us all get out of here.”

“Are you an undercover cop or something?” Moving fast, I shimmied into the little black hot pants which barely covered my ass.

“Nope. But we share a common enemy. I hate these assholes as much as you.”

“Thank you for doing this.” Although my words didn’t seem like enough. Sage was putting her life on the line for me.

“Happy to help. I know what these sons of bitches are capable of.” She patted Lou’s sides, then tried to roll him over. “Help me shift him so we can get his weapon.”

I pulled on my boots then helped her roll Lou to the side, but once we had the momentum going, he tumbled right off the sofa and on to the floor. His head hit the ground hard with a solid thud.

Sage’s eyes met mine, and she gave a nonchalant shrug. “He’s such a douchebag, I don’t even feel a little bad about that.” She leaned down and pulled a pistol from Lou’s leather holster.

Her nose wrinkled in revulsion as she eyed him. She took one step back, wound up, and kicked him square in the balls with her shiny black pumps. His body convulsed once, but he didn’t wake. “That’s for grabbing my tits, you filthy sleazebag.” She jerked her chin at the unconscious lump on the floor. “You want a turn? Don’t worry, he’s taken enough tranquilizer to bring down an elephant.”

“You’re sure?”

“Pretty sure. And when else will you have a golden opportunity like this?”