It wasn’t a silly suggestion. We could drive right into a trap if they got ahead of us, because it didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out we were headed south.

“I think it’s best if we keep moving. We stay in one place for too long and they somehow find us, that’ll give them time to gather resources and have us surrounded.” I glanced at her. “And that puts the odds in their favor.”

I understood Cam’s apprehension to stay on the road, but it was a risk we had to take. We had a solid day of driving ahead of us. If everything went to plan, we’d arrive at our destination by the end of the day.

Miami was within our reach. We’d made decent progress, even though we stayed off the interstate on our way south. On the outskirts of Orlando, we shed our excess layers and drove with the windows down, enjoying the warm, humid air.

The last thing I wanted was for the cops to pull us over and recognize Cam, so I observed all the road rules and stuck to the speed limit, even though my foot itched to press harder.

I kept an eye out for tails. None so far. And the longer we drove without incident, the more relaxed Cam’s body language became. Except now, she wriggled in her seat, looking uncomfortable.

“You okay?” I asked.

“Yeah, I need to pee, though.” She crossed her legs. “No more coffee today.”

I shot her a grin and turned down a dirt track leading to a wooded area since there weren’t any rest stops nearby. There’d be no amenities, but there also wouldn’t be anyone to ID Cam.

We both exited the car. I leaned against the door while Cam headed for the privacy of the trees. She had a cheeky grin on her face as she returned.

“What’s so funny?” I asked.

“I was just thinking it’s a lot nicer riding up front than being zip tied and laid out in the back.”

When she reached me, her hands went to my chest and she rose on tiptoes. I met her halfway for a firm kiss. Cam’s fingers raked through my hair and I groaned into her mouth. Fuck, she tasted so sweet.

I grabbed her ass and pulled her against me. “So, you don’t want me to tie you up and throw you on the back seat for old times’ sake?”

She slapped me on the bicep and wiggled out of my grip. “Maybe later, handsome. We’ve got the Mafia to outrun.”

I straightened and tracked her swaying hips around the hood, her thick wavy hair bouncing with the movement. “Really?” I asked.

She glanced over her shoulder and winked before getting in the truck.

“Goddamn.” Where had this woman been all my life?

We drove along the bumpy track and onto the highway. Since the punishing afternoon sun shone through my window, I grabbed my hat from the dash.

Cam sat with her elbow propped on the windowsill, a small smile on her face as she watched me. “Did I ever tell you how cute you look in that ball cap?”

I glanced between her and the road. “Cute?” I laughed. “I don’t think anyone’s called me that since I was four years old.”

Cam’s gaze shifted beyond my shoulder before her eyes widened in terror. Her hands shot up to protect her face. I didn’t have time to react as a vehicle slammed into the side of the truck, sending us spinning out of control. The tires screeched. I tried to correct our direction, but we careened off the road, hit an embankment, and flipped.

Airbags burst free as we rolled again and again. Glass shattered and flew around the cab. My pickup came to a halt when it smashed into a tree and, by some miracle, landed the right way up.

My ears rang, and my vision was patchy. White powder from the airbags floated in the cab, making me cough. Cam didn’t make a sound.Fuck!She was unconscious. Her chin rested on her chest, only the seatbelt kept her limp body upright. I leaned across and checked her pulse. It was strong, but she was out cold with a bloody gash on the side of her forehead.

Dammit. We were royally fucked. And I’d let my girl down in the worst possible way because that collision was no accident.

They’d found us.

I reached for my Glock.

A pistol cocked by my window. “Don’t move, asshole.”