She was right, though. There was no way he could tag along if I left the States in a hurry.

“And second,” she continued, “what’s wrong with the original plan? You know, the one you spent so much time thinking through and demanded I go along with?” Cam gave me a pointed look.

“It’s not enough anymore.” I shrugged. “I don’t know. Everything’s different now.”

“What?” she chuckled. “Because we just had mind-blowing sex?”

I smirked. “Thrilled to hear you say that, but it’s not because of what just happened in this room. I mean everything is different since you got here. I didn’t expect to get so protective of you. And I didn’t expect things between us to be so…” I rubbed the back of my neck. “I don’t even know what I’m saying.”

A small smile lit Cam’s face as she moved closer. “I appreciate what you’re offering, but you shouldn’t start a war over this. Yeah, I’m nervous about making a new life in Australia, but there are worse places in the world to go, and I’m tougher than I look. Justin will join me, and after a bit of time, we’ll be fine. I’m not willing to risk your life so I can have my old one back.” She placed her hands on either side of my neck. “Please, Shep, you don’t need to do this to be a hero. You already are.”

Her expression was so troubled, it stirred something inside me. I wanted to give back what they took from her. Eventually, she’d see it for the gift it was. Cam’s sudden acceptance of moving to Australia was only because she worried about me. All along, she’d resisted the plan to start over in another country. I didn’t like her making compromises for me.

I hauled her onto my lap, and she wrapped her arms around my neck. With my nose in her hair, I breathed her in. Fuck, I’d do anything to bring peace to her life again. Why couldn’t we find a solution that allowed us both to be happy? It sucked that we had to choose from two fucked-up endings.

I pressed my brow to hers. “Is that really what you want? Tell me the truth.”

Cam pulled back to look me in the eye, but kept her hands on my shoulders. Her answer took so long I thought perhaps she was thinking up an alternative plan. A foolish part of me wanted her to ask me to come to Australia. Hearing her say those words would mean she was in this as deep as me. More proof that I enjoyed tormenting myself.

Maybe she knew not to ask and save us both from the pain of me turning her down. Even on another continent and away from the Mob, I’d still be a messed-up asshole. A handbrake to her living the full and happy life she deserved. She couldn’t have that with a cranky-ass recluse. No, I wouldn’t make the same mistakes as my old man because I never wanted to see the day Cam lost her spark because of me.

She nodded. “Yes, one hundred percent. We stick with the original plan. It’s a good, solid plan.”

I huffed a breath. “It doesn’t seem very fair that you should have to leave your home and run from one psychopathic Italian.”

“Fuck fair, Shep. Life isn’t fair. It never has been and that trend is continuing. Listen to me.” She gripped my shoulders hard and stared me down. “Your life matters. I don’t want to think about you being killed, or on death row, or on the run just so I can have my stuff back. Please don’t do anything crazy after I’m gone. Promise me?”

I thought about Ranger and what we had here in the mountains. My life wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows, but I was content living on the land. Going on the run, it would be hard to find peace again. Leaving Ranger behind would fucking suck.

I didn’t want to admit it to myself, but this woman had some power over me. Her negotiation skills were decent, but when it came down to it, I struggled to say no to anything Cam asked for.

I ran a hand through her hair. “All right, we stick with the original plan, for now.”

A look of relief washed over her. “Good, thank you.”

“But if things change with Franky and you’re at risk from him, the new plan is the fallback.”

“You’re a decent man, Elias Shepherd.” With a small smile on her lips, she leaned in and kissed me.

When she pulled away, I forced a grave expression. “Darlin’, we got another serious problem we need to do something about.”

Cam tensed. “Oh God. What else?”

I sucked on my bottom lip. “Fucking love the way you look in my shirt, but you’re wearing too many clothes.” I shifted her so she straddled me. She giggled as I lifted the shirt over her head.

Goddamn, the sight of her naked was something to worship.

I grabbed her ass and ground my hardening length against her. “Your choice. Stay as you are, or let me decide how to make you come.”

Her eyes widened before her smile turned mischievous. “I’m not sure how much I can move. My legs are still a little wobbly.”

“Good.” I grinned. “Plan on keeping you that way.”

I flipped her onto her back so fast she squealed. Brushing her hair aside, I went right for her neck. Her scent there drove me crazy. I grazed my teeth across her skin and she let out a moan. Yeah, I needed to hear more of that.

A low growl rumbled from my chest. I kept acting like a Neanderthal around Cam, all instinct and little logic. Already I wanted to plunge deep inside her, to have her cling to me and forget about anything outside this room. But I had enough sense to hold back and make this good for her.

Our mouths met, and it reminded me why I should take my time. Every part of her warranted my attention.