Fingertips skated over my hypersensitive skin and wherever he touched, his lips followed. It surprised me he wasn’t rushing this. In my experience, most guys wanted to sprint right to the finish line. If Shep wanted to take his time and get me all worked up, I was one lucky girl.

He moved further south, kissing a trail past my navel, hip bone, and along the inside of my thigh. My fingers dug into the sheets as every nerve ending sparked to life.

Shep smoothed a hand all the way down my leg until he gripped my calf and propped it over his shoulder. He stared between my thighs, and his warm breath fanned across delicate flesh.

“Christ, you’re gorgeous.” His voice was heavy with need.

A flash of insecurity hit me at what he was about to do. “Wait.”

He paused and gave me his full attention. “You want me to stop?”

I had to give him extra credit for not sounding annoyed or frustrated. If anything, he seemed concerned about my wellbeing.

“It’s just… I know some guys don’t like to do that.” I didn’t want Shep doing something to please me if he didn’t enjoy it.

A flicker of confusion crossed his face. “Maybe selfish dumbasses who don’t know what they’re doing.” I watched him moisten his lips before he added, “Lately, I can’t get the thought of tasting you out of my head.”

Oh, boy. His words had me burning up. “Really?”

“Mmm hmm. You all right with where this is heading?” He ran a finger along my seam.

My eyes rolled back. “God, yes.”

I was a goner.

Shep’s gaze followed his finger as it stroked through my wetness before he pressed a scarred hand flat on my chest and eased me back down onto the bed. My heart pounded with nervousness, excitement, and anticipation.

He brought his mouth to where his finger had been and traced his heated tongue over me. Blinding pleasure overwhelmed my senses, and any lingering shyness vanished. My hips bucked off the bed and the leg wrapped around his shoulder squeezed tight. The sensation was intense. I guessed it had been a while for me, too. Or maybe it was because Shep turned me on like no one else.

When he gripped my thigh to hold me in place, I knew I was in trouble. Except it was the most delicious trouble I could ever imagine, and he was only getting started. This was pure, heavenly torture. Any minute now, I’d be making enough noise to scare away all wildlife within a ten-mile radius.

He kept at me, tasting and teasing, making me quake with every pass of his tongue until he had me in a frenzy. Sweet Jesus, that man’s mouth was sinful.

But it was when he concentrated his efforts on my most sensitive spot and pushed one long finger inside me that I came apart. The orgasm that ripped through me was cataclysmic. I couldn’t stop the moan that escaped me, even if I’d wanted to.

As I came down, my entire body pulsed like a slow-beating tribal drum. There must be fingernail marks on his shoulders from how hard I gripped them, but the only thing I could look at was Shep’s face as he gazed at me with hooded eyes.

Yeah, he’d done good, and now all I could think about was getting my mouth around him.

“Get your ass up here,” I panted. “It’s my turn to play.”

“Yes, ma’am.” He kissed a scorching path back to my mouth.

I clutched his face between my palms. “You are insanely good at that.”

A small smile played across his lips. “I’m glad you think so because I plan on waking you up like that every day you’re here. That all right?”

“You might legit kill me with orgasms, but that sounds like a good way to go.” I latched onto his full bottom lip with my teeth because there was something about Shep that drove me to behave like an insatiable animal. My need for him was spiraling out of control.

My hands couldn’t decide which part of him they wanted to touch next. Every inch of him looked inviting. His broad shoulders, those fine, fine biceps, his ass. Having unrestricted access to all the parts I’d been fantasizing about made me dizzy.

I wanted him on his back so I could explore, but when I tried to roll him, he held me in place by pressing himself against me and letting me know he was still as hard as he’d been earlier.

Wicked, wicked man.

He rubbed the tip of his nose along mine. “You can play later. Right now, I really need to be inside you.”

Shep’s words sent my pulse into overdrive. He didn’t have to convince me any further, but when he kissed me and stroked his length across my entrance, my craving for him was absolute.