Page 100 of The Hit (Team Zulu 1)



Ichangedthelicenseplates on the sedan with a fake set. “Time to go.”

Cam got in the passenger seat without a word, but she looked pissed. We drove in uncomfortable silence, which was better than getting into another argument.

When we arrived at the inn, I parked the sedan in the lot next door. The budget lodging near the airport would be our last stop for the night.

I went alone to check in at the small reception area. The old guy manning the desk almost had a coronary when I approached. I supposed I looked like trouble. I fed him a story about being a boxer from out of town and joked that my fight hadn’t gone so well. That appeased him because his face returned to a normal color by the time he handed over the room key and wished me a pleasant stay.

I carried the duffel and weapons bags into the room and laid them on the floor next to the bed. Cam followed me inside but seemed unsure what to do with herself.

I pulled a spare T-shirt from the bag and handed it to her. “Why don’t you get washed up, then I’ll fix that cut.”

Her hand went to her temple as though she’d forgotten the injury from the rollover. She nodded and headed for the bathroom.

I used my cell to book her a flight to San Diego, accommodation, and transport. I knew the city well, so it wasn’t hard to do.

A short while later, Cam emerged with wet hair trailing down her back and wearing my white tee. It reminded me of the first time she’d bathed and dressed in my clothes at the cabin.Fuck. I looked away because seeing her like that stirred up unwanted feelings.

I patted the bed next to me. She could probably patch herself up, but the instinct to take care of her was still strong.

You did a shitty job of taking care of her earlier, asshole.

I wasn’t proud of the way I’d treated Cam at the storage unit, but I didn’t see any other way to make a clean break. If she thought I didn’t want her, she’d move on quicker.

Cam sat and faced me, back straight, eyes penetrating. Without saying a word, she conveyed how disappointed she was in my behavior. I hoped one day she’d understand why I had to cut her loose.

I cleared my throat and dabbed the wound at her temple with antiseptic. As I worked, I scanned her face. Since this would be our last night together, I wanted to memorize every breathtaking feature. Her feline green eyes, the smattering of freckles over her nose, those perfect lips. Now, all I could think about was that I’d never get to taste her again. Holding myself back was even harder now that I knew what I was missing.Goddammit. I had to look away, so I rummaged through the medical kit for steri-strips. It was difficult to keep my hands steady while I applied them. As I put the last strip on, Cam’s hand came to rest on mine.

“This is stupid,” she said. “Please don’t be like this. Talk to me.”

I kept my eyes on my work.Fucking coward.

“There’s nothing more to say.” I stood and headed for the bathroom, grabbing the medical kit and a clean pair of boxers on the way. “Why don’t you try to get some sleep? The bed’s yours.”

Showered, wounds tended to, and more tired than a Himalayan pack mule, I exited the bathroom in my boxers to find Cam tucked into the huge bed. She watched me go to the closet and remove a spare pillow and blanket. I headed for the sofa.

“Jesus, you won’t fit on that thing.” She sat up and pulled the covers back. “Get your ass over here.”

I paused and stared at the empty side of the bed. Cam was right. The couch was tiny and looked uncomfortable as fuck, but she didn’t realize what she asked of me. I wasn’t sure I could handle sharing the bed and not tucking her against me.

Why couldn’t she hate me like I needed her to? She should throw a desk lamp at my head and tell me to sleep on the cold bathroom tiles, not demand I lie next to her.

I could do this. Ihadto do this because I was so exhausted I thought I might fall asleep standing.

I moved to the bed and slid between the sheets as far from Cam as possible. Satisfied I’d done what she asked, she returned her head to the pillow and got comfortable.

Shit, I could still smell her from here. I laid on my back with one hand propped behind my head and stared at the ceiling, suddenly not as tired as I thought I was. Being near her made my body resonate as if there were static electricity building in the space between us. I shut my lids and focused on taking slow breaths.

She shimmied toward me.

My eyes shot open. “Cam,” I warned.

“Quit being such a baby. This won’t kill you.”
