"I don't need you to protect me," Tristan told him quietly.

Enzo glanced over at him. "Yeah, I know you don't. But I will. Just like I protect that asshole back there." He pointed his thumb toward the back seat. He turned around again. "And I always will."

I held his stare until he turned back around.

They were quiet after that, leaving me alone with my thoughts. When we got to the house, I asked Tristan to come to my office with me. Alone.

"I am sorry," I told him. "I shouldn't have done that. I don't even fucking know why I did."

He walked over to the side table and poured us both a drink. "Because you're feeling a lot of things you're not used to, and you don't know how to process those feelings. And it makes you angry. It makes you feel out of control. So you do something that will make you feel in control again. Usually something stupido."

I took the drink from him, staring down at the amber liquid as I swirled it around in my glass. "Is there another way to fix that?"

"Yeah." He took a sip of his drink. "Stop fucking feeling things."

"I wish it were that easy."

His eyes went to the window, and he stared out at the bright, sunny day. "So do I," he said.