"No," I assured him. Or maybe it was myself. "But it seems the easier thing to do. Or do you both just like fucking with innocent women?"

He watched my face for a few moments, studying me. Then he leaned in so close it was all I could do to stay where I was. "I'll let you in on a little secret, Veda," he finally said. "He doesn't deserve you. And I know he's putting the pieces in place to take over as boss, even if he has to off me to do it." He paused, and I saw a flash of something tender in his eyes. "But he's still my little brother. I want him gone, but I don't want him dead. Not if I can avoid it. And that's where you come in. All you need to do is give me something on him that will get him the fuck out of my hair, and you will save both my brother's life and my honor with the family."

Honor. It was all about their fucking honor. Everything they did. It was on the tip of my tongue to tell him that Luca kicked me out and he'd have to find himself another rat. But if I did that, he would know I wasn't under Luca's protection anymore. And he would have no reason to let me live knowing all that I know. "I can't get you anything," I told him instead. "He keeps everything locked up. I can't get access to it."

Leaning in until I could smell the coffee on his breath, he looked me dead in the eye. "Try harder."

"I can't."

"If you don't, I will kill him, though it will break my heart.” He managed to pull off a regretful expression. “However, I'm giving you this chance to save him. And yourself." He tightened his grip on my arm, and his lips brushed my ear. "Get him out of my hair, and I'll allow him to live." Leaning back, his eyes dropped to the modest neckline of my dress. "But don't forget"—lifting his free hand, he traced the letter "M" over the scar on my chest with his fingertip—"you will always belong to me."

"If I were you, brother, I would step away from the lady. And I would do it right fucking now."

My head whipped toward the doors and my heart banged loudly in my chest as Mario stiffened, his grip on my arm tightening until I knew I was going to have bruises.

"Luca." His name on my lips was nothing less than an answered prayer.

Enzo and Tristan flanked him on either side, and I squeezed my eyes shut tight for a moment, never so happy to see the three of them as I was now. But my relief was short-lived when Mario's guys appeared from nowhere, trickling out of halls and doorways to surround our little party.

Luca appeared unconcerned by his brother's show of force. His blue eyes warmed only slightly when they turned to me. "I thought I would come and pay my respects, if that's alright."