So it was just a question of my honor.

I'd always prided myself on being a man who was in every way nothing at all like my father or my brother. I may be seen as cold and controlling by some, but I kept my word, and I always—always—conducted myself in an honorable way within the family. Being so close to taking my father's place, it would be a risk to let her get away with what she'd done. If anyone found out, I'd lose the trust of the other families, and I may very well end up in a grave myself for showing her mercy, something that was unheard of in my world unless you were in a position of ultimate power like my father. And my brother would rise in the ranks as intended unless someone was smart enough to kill him, too.

And Veda, my vita, would be left alone with the monsters.

I hadn't been thinking straight when I sent her away. Not once, but twice. She was on Mario's radar now, and as soon as he figured out she was no longer under my protection, she would be on everyone's. I'm sure word had gotten around by now as to who she really is and what she meant to me. She would never be able to live a life where they wouldn't find her. And she would be made even more valuable in their eyes because to take her would be one more way to twist the knife in my back, even if I was a corpse.

Enzo and Tristan would try to protect her, if for no other reason than out of their loyalty to me, but even as skilled as they are, they would only be able to run so far without the protection of the family. There was no way Veda would survive without my protection. And there was no fucking way I would be able to bring myself to kill her.

I slammed down the remainder of the whiskey and wiped my mouth on the back of my hand.

Honor be damned, her place was with me.