Luigi held all of the cards right now because I'd thrown down my hand and walked away. But I didn't give a shit anymore. Let him win. I was done with him and his fucked up games. Growing up with him as my father? It made me almost as twisted inside as he was. I was well aware of this fact. But I didn't have to become him. I was stronger than my father. Stronger than my brother.
"Luca, you can't mean to just leave her out there defenseless. I know you're angry at her. I know," he repeated when my eyes flashed up to his. "But will you be able to live with yourself if something happens to her?"
I didn't answer him. "I need a shower." Rising on unsteady legs, I left him in the gym and slowly made my way up to my bedroom. On the way, I silently prayed to God that I'd be able to get through this.
But as soon as I walked into the room we’d shared, Veda's scent assaulted me. It was there no matter how many times I had Lisa clean it. It permeated the walls, the rug, the bed, everything in here. It greeted me every morning when I opened my eyes and every night when I stumbled up here to fall onto the mattress in a drunken stupor, hoping this time I'd consumed enough alcohol to sleep.
I saw her everywhere. In the shower, as I was now, all I had to do was close my eyes and she was there in the smell of the shampoo, her skin soft and slick under my palms. My closet was full of her clothes I wouldn't let anyone move. At the dinner table, I felt her foot touching mine, heard her voice and her laughter and her moans of pleasure from the night I tied her to her chair. I saw her smile in the candlelight. The flames dancing in her eyes, mesmerizing me until I couldn't look away.
In my bed, I smelled the scent of her skin and remembered the taste of her cunt. The way her eyes flashed right before she lost herself to the pleasure I wouldn't allow her to deny herself.
She was nothing but a ghost now. And she haunted me.
I prayed she would never stop.