"There are codes we live by, padre, and we have those codes for a reason."


I snapped my jaw shut and faced off with my father. Taking this any further would only fuel his argument that I was unsuited for the position of boss. I needed to remain calm. Rational. Already I could see a few of the others giving me looks.

I unbuttoned my suit jacket and sat down.

Luigi got up and came around his desk. Two of my cousins, who were his constant bodyguards, came into the room as though on cue to stand beside and slightly behind him. Although they appeared relaxed, not one of us was fooled. They were there as a warning. My father was done with any discussions. This meeting was down to whatever he decided. And anyone who disagreed would do so at the risk of being shot down where he stood.

He met the eyes of everyone in the room one by one, saving me for last. He didn't look away as said, "My son, Mario, is under my protection. He is next in line to be boss. If there is anyone here who doesn't agree with my decision, I don't give a fuck. If anyone here brings any harm to him...anyone..." Again, his eyes bore into mine. "I will not hesitate to take the necessary measures to rid myself of that person who dares to bring dishonor upon me and my family." Looking around the room, he asked, "Any questions?"

There was only silence. We all knew better than to speak when he was like this.

"Good. Now get the fuck out of my house." He didn't look at me again as everyone rose and began to file out of the room to go home to their wives and children.

My blood boiled, and as much as I longed to rage my displeasure, I did the same. Our private conversations were one thing, but by making this proclamation here, in front of everyone, my father had basically just cut off my balls. His message was clear:

If I kill Mario, I'll be lying in the grave beside him within twenty-four hours.

Enzo was waiting for me by the front door. "We have a problem," he told me quietly as he held the door for me.

My heart stopped beating, then picked up again, pounding so fast and hard I felt lightheaded. I started walking, and he followed me. "Veda?"

He shook his head. "She's fine, as far as I know. I just got off the phone with her. It's her parents. Both are in the hospital, and Veda is on her way there now. It appears your brother wanted to send her a message."

I stopped walking and spun around. "She can't go there."

"I know. What do you want to do?"

I didn't even hesitate. Here was the opportunity I've been waiting for. "Send Tristan and two others to the hospital to get her parents and bring them back to the house. Then let Veda know where they are. Drop me off at the house so I'll be there to greet them, and then you can meet her near the marina and bring her back with you."

He was on the phone before I finished speaking.

As we got into the car, I tried to think of what I could say to her that would convince her to stay. My father had just taken away the only chance I had of allowing her a normal life, safe from my brother, and away from me. Not that I'd ever intended to give her that. I realized now, when I'd told her to run, that I'd always intended to find her again...after I'd killed Mario.

But killing him was no longer an option. Now I didn't have to wait to bring her back. And bringing her parents to my house was the perfect move.